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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. I think he means the animal trailer with the yellow detachable sides also came as a Salop lowloader.
  2. The power coming back on just as my boss was about to let me go home for the day >


    Here's a match lads :D
  4. Yeah but think though Barry with all that wood surrounding them they'll go up a treat :D :D
  5. This site....... http://www.explosm.net/comics/589/ ********Warning*************** Although these are cartoons, there is vulgarity, nudism and cynacism........view at your peril :D :D And I just died laughing when I saw this....... http://www.explosm.net/movies/124/ Do I love Pot Noodles after seeing this :D :D
  6. Looks great Russ, keep up the good work. Oi BEN resize these photos please there's a good chap. :D
  7. SOme good pics there Marcus You must have a right set of blades in that mower as it's whittled your hedge down neatly to a 2x1 :D :D
  8. Nice Here's the layout http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=6743.0
  9. It'll be the Tower of London next :D
  10. I know Sean it's disgusting isn't it. He'll be saying that they are for a sick friend next. :D :D
  11. Looks like Tris has nicked Seans MF and is taking it for a spin :D
  12. Oh those are just awful Mark, I think they should be sent as soon as possible to me so I can dispose of them in a safe manner. :D
  13. You are right Ol Rich = JD.mad = MCMAd = whateverthehellheiscallednowanddoesanyoneknowwhereheis :D :D
  14. Nice to see that........... To see that.........................NICE :D
  15. Of all people I thought you would have noticed it Ben, you got more time the a clock shop :D and NO you git I haven't seen the ads
  16. and allow a couple of years for assembly :D :D
  17. It list's upcoming birthdays for the week..........it never changes, if there happened to be a members birthday tomorrow that would be upcoming. The members id changes colour when the birthday is reached. C'mon chaps keep up. :D
  18. We all have to start somewhere Dan and they couldn't be any worse than what I could do
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