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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. I read it all Ricky and thought to myself quit blethering on like and ol' washerwoman and get on with it man !! :D :D Looks great Ricky
  2. Another set of great pics Marcus thanks
  3. Is it just printed paper he applies to the wood?
  4. I've cases of em, Guiness, Tetley, John Smiths, Carling, Beamish, Strongbow...............
  5. *****Note to self *****Keep Rob away from the BBQ at the Annual Forum BBQ :D :D
  6. You'll be fine can't beat those trans-atlantic flights pure dead brill, thats always been part of the vacation for me. Nothing like being up in a big jumbo You'll have a great time I'm sure
  7. You ever been here before? The summers are usually great nice and hot.
  8. Well I think you've made a lovely job of it FL especialyl as it's your first one Much better than I could do
  9. Damn I thought this was about Madonna Martin............... :'( but those look fab too :D :D
  10. Same here Tim, it is sunny outside right now YAY !!!!! Tomorrow is supposed to nice also, then back to miserable
  11. Very nice Andy..I think that is a pre war colour issue, although the box is a postwar box.
  12. From what I can find out Andy the Gordon Highlanders were made 1953/1954 so I would date it around that time.
  13. Looks great.....what did you use for the pedals and gearshift???
  14. Magic OF absolutely magic. Just watch that stray sheep doesn't get into the clamp mind. :D
  15. My collection is quite small 15 tractors (8 are unboxed) 2 forager harvesters 1 combine 8 Implements 2 Lorrys 3 Landrovers Transit Van and probably about 500 animals & figures (but I am not counting them :D) All made by Britains except the Ford 7000 (well not truly)
  16. Typical Mart.not one when you need it, then they all come at once :D :D
  17. Saw that on Good Morning America this morning Tim. Nasty business. WE NEED SOME SUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Cheers guys Doesn't take that long Ben better if you have a couple on the go at once that way you can move on while the paint dries on the first one.
  19. Good job Ben looks great.........remember to take the JD out though when you send it to me :D
  20. Another storm on it's way to you CCF from lovely Canada. It is POURING down here at the moment. Can't remember the last time we have had so much rain.
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