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Everything posted by 1972farming

  1. I am delivering this model to its new owner on Saturday at Tractor World in Malvern.The real tractor is usually on display there but ironically not this year.I did post this one before but now I have scanned in the pictures of the real one as well.
  2. Thanks super6,I have got that edition of farma nd site,I must dig it out.
  3. Thanks for that ,I love the old stuff but I enjoy working on the newer stuff sometimes.I received another Fordson today,yet another ebay purchase. I can't stop buying them !
  4. I meant adding the engine details like on the originals. I did a couple of stretched 5000s before but I just etched in some detail but it wasn't really accurate enough in my opinion. \ I am at a stage where I need to maybe start casting some parts of my own but I haven't got a clue where to start.
  5. Wow ,what a line up Sean ! I am getting converted to a red fan !
  6. Rotapeds would be nice but I wouldn't know how to start ! On stretching the body of a 5000,I have done it in the past and made it strong but its adding the correct detail which is the hard part. Any ideas ?
  7. Thats a very impressive collection you have there. It nice to see a mix of different models as well.
  8. Well done Sean,I think I need to start casting my own bits like you. That would be the next step for me I think. All of my stuff are one-offs.
  9. This is the other modified E27n fitted with a rear linkage.
  10. Better view of the screw jack type workings on the blade.
  11. I would like to be able to build a super 6 but I am unsure how to make a good job of stretching the body .I have a donor to make a 654 though. The E27n in the back ground has got a muledozer fitted,I got the idea from the book of Ford tractor conversions.It was a fiddle but worth it ,the blade goes up and down like a real one working from the side mounted steering wheel.
  12. Worth a try Marky ,I will let you all know how it goes. And yes ,silver it will be for the decals and other details.
  13. Yes ,I was unsure about the siku tyres but left them for the time being. I guess I could change them in the future perhaps. I may build a 654 next as I have a donor tractor and just need a donor fastrac now.
  14. Very nice tractor indeed . Whats it based on? ERTL ? \
  15. Thanks Sean,I will bear that in mind . I can't decide on silver or white. \ I think silver because the front grill will probably end up being painted silver.
  16. Thanks for that mate,another bit of good luck for me. I have just been looking through my Walkerparts catalogue and found that he does decals for the 165/185/188 etc. I just have to finish it now.
  17. Finished the County today. Might paint the exhaust though. \
  18. I will post the other pictures in the posting which I started a couple of weeks ago.
  19. There are head lights on the tractor,the flash blew them out !
  20. Another tractor in the workshop this week is my County 754. The decals arrived today from Henri Walker in Holland. Hope you like it folks.
  21. Glad that my picture helped Sean. I now think that my cab sits too far forward so I might change it.
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