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Everything posted by 1972farming

  1. Well Barry I am busy building and not spending at the moment . This is better for me than ebay !
  2. No not yet because the 2 I have are different .1 early with internal steering and one later type .
  3. Yes my 2 135 industrials cost me ?50 and ?150 so they can vary .
  4. A fiver ,you are having a laugh ! :D What do you reckon they are really worth on the open market ? \
  5. Yes thats similar to some 5000s I have .The one which you are buying off me is the type like the one you described but with the 6600 exhaust . I bought 2 of them off a mate so I am keeping one back .Then last year I bought another one the same but in the gift set which includes the elevator,tedder etc . I guess these are the kinds of models that make collecting them so interesting but it also leaves us all open to being sold tractors which are just mis-matched bitsa tractors .
  6. Exactly my thoughts as well . The problem with these rare models there are so many different stories related to each variant . I have another odity in the shape of a Ford 6600 . It has normal 6600 chassis ,decals front grill but 5000 wheels and linkage . But when you refer to most reference books they state that the 6600 only came with the beefed up linkage like on the later ones .
  7. That pollishing tool looks a bit tasty .What sort of too lis it ? I would never have thought that the plastics could be pollished up so well .
  8. And me .I remember making my TW20 into 2wd and my 595 4wd . I think as a youngster I also made 2wd Deutz tractors . Great fun and still at it ! Mind you when I started it was about 1982 and I started again in 2000 .
  9. Hello Agrium . I love your conversions .I may be a Fordson nut but your models could easily convert me ! Excellent !
  10. Hello Bluebird Thanks for your kind comments . Your 5000 Supermajor looks great . Are the paints that you buy very expensive ? Where abouts is Henry Walker based ?
  11. They are all nice and dry and Mums come home early .Time for cake now !
  12. I wish I had known you then ,I would have bought that DDN . The wife is still at work at the moment ,due back about 7.00 pm . I'm off to dip ,I mean ,bath the kids !
  13. I would have to say my Britains Fordson DDN Powermajor on spade lug wheels . However I like all of my Fordsons/Fords .
  14. Who did you buy those rear wheels off at toytrac ? Thay look like some which I bought a couple of years ago ,the type on the 4000 with duncan cab I built .
  15. Thanks very much for that brewingale .
  16. Thanks Nigel ,the 590 I have is in a 595 box and I don't know whether its right or not ?
  17. Nigel ,can you help us settle tis debate please ? Was the Britains MF 590 sold in the 595 box or did it have its own box ? I bet as I am typing this Barry is doing the same !
  18. Thanks for that ,I have also heard of the 590 being put into the set with the 2-wheeled trailer and the front loader set . I wonder if Nigel knows any more ?
  19. When you say the box writing has been changed ,please could you tell me how ? Is it a factory printing change or has somebody just changed the writing after it has left the factory .I have heard conflicting reports that say the 590 was put into 595 boxes and the590 had its own box .Maybe both cases are correct ,who knows ?
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