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Everything posted by CMB

  1. Spent a good chunk of the day at my godfather & godmother's home in Herefordshire for a walk around their property and lunch at the Live and Let Live pub. Alongside his David Brown 995, he has a rather tidy and fully restored Cropmaster in his barn, attached to an original DB 2-furrow plough. Too wet to take either for a spin mind Kind bloke that he is, he also lent me three of his "Fergie on the Farm" DVDs
  2. Well several things and not just today. Firstly missing a Stroud visit by Ian Dury's old band the Blockheads a week back (though very few tickets available because of the lack of space), and today finding out a Nissan D22 pickup I'd been watching had just been sold. Pretty minor irritants really.
  3. Best use of Mandy's water I've seen so far! (Lotta layouts to catch up on though.. )
  4. Passing my PA6 (knapsack) much to my surprise, as this morning I was only giving myself a 30% chance of passing!
  5. More Britains: '61-'63 DDN Fordson, pretty decent condition and with original clevis split pin! JCB Midi 8060 Excavator MIMB. Nice model let down by lack of controls in cab and overlarge rivets) Autoway Post Hole Digger set #9832 mint in okay box. 80-80 Krone Big Pack baler MIMB; poor model with lack of detail and working parts but I'm hoping Paul (PDC) might magic it into a Massey baler at some point Ransomes/Superfaun Potato Harvester, my second MIMB, except not quite mint, as it was missing 1 turn handle and the top chute. This one too was lubricated, which I find weakens an already fragile model. #9524 Ford 6600, second edition 1980-81, and my first MIMB. Well again, not quite mint, as the exhaust attaching lug was broken as was the blue locking key. No ageing or marks on it though, so very pleased. Now I must stop buying 1:32 from E-bay and save up for my new truck!
  6. Optimism or sheer desperation. If it's the later, I know how he or she feels as non-BIN or high start listings are often selling for far less than they did last year (although I'm sure that Valmet could comfortably make £40-£50 boxed if had he started at £0.99)
  7. Just finished: early Britains plastic building or 1960's imitation by another manufacturer? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250771162479&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&autorefresh=true#ht_500wt_1129
  8. I rang my local dealer (Cotswold Farm Machinery) and the rep there said he didn't know anything about the two new XL models but told me that he'd received about nine calls regarding them prior to mine! \
  9. I'm guessing his attitude was "if it fits -and works- it suits me". I'd mention it, but I doubt he cares very much for such details \
  10. 4335 on the feed beet: 390T: A sorry-looking 165: 675/scraper: 35 + link box: General: Some of his Gloucester and White Park cows:
  11. Yeah just uploading them now. Not some of my best quality though as I was pushed for time.
  12. After the feed at the smallholding where I volunteer on Thursdays, we took a "past it" shorthorn over to a slaughterhouse in Cinderford towed by the farm's battered Ford van. It wheezed and panted up the forest roads with its 700+ kilo cargo, but reached its destination despite needing to top-up the radiator frequently. Later, with the same van-transporter set-up, we took a sow over to a friend of the farmer's 300-acre tenant farm, only to find the boar was already away "on loan". Not too bothered though as I got to photograph some of his red tractors
  13. Storm force winds here. The roof to the kindling shed flew off last night, and its bloody heavy
  14. Myself, again. I think I may have dropped my glasses into a big recycling bin/crusher while unloading greenery into it Not 100% certain though.
  15. Interesting! It's drying in the airing cupboard at the moment, but I might just try your "rice bath" if it doesn't work..
  16. Cutting down a Leylandii-like tree, then 2 trips to the recycling centre to dispose of it.
  17. Writing off my mobile by leaving it in the pocket of my work trousers and putting them in the washing machine not realising. More money down the drain, I'm such a careless idiot!
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