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Everything posted by CMB

  1. Thanks, I've not seen many of these in the flesh.
  2. Late Victorian semi-detached Tris with an extension built in the 1980s. No idea but hopefully insurance will cover it.
  3. Yes Steve the house will probably need its foundations properly shored and drainage put in the wall. It's been on the cards for a year or so but previous engineers/surveyors have been most unhelpful and the weather beat us to it.
  4. BOTH laptops not working correctly leading to what shoud have taken 5 minutes taking over an hour! It didn't help that the puppy chewed through one of the cables. Oh and this happened, we think, early Friday morning: Other cracks have widened and with any more deluges it's just a matter of time before more of the garden goes downhill.. Surveyor coming to look at it on Monday
  5. I'm not familiar with this term 'bruising' of barley Martin, does that just mean crushing grain to feed cattle (ease of digestion and all that?) Thanks
  6. Loads today, mostly involving chasing and shouting at sheep but culminating in pushing a sheep feeder down and then up a mountain, and no surprise, I'm k-nackered
  7. It's probably going for scrap/parts. Parts have been traced for it but I'm told they are prohibitively expensive to replace. I'm just waiting for the paperwork from the Total Loss people, and eventually I suppose look for a new set of wheels . For now, unless the insurers provide me with a new courtesy car I'm stuck with a broken pickup to drive. This is a new situation for me Bill, I'm just feeling my way through it.
  8. The first one looks like a barn I sometimes clean, complete with a floor covered in chippings + horses & ponies
  9. But be careful Bill you might suffer Deep Vein Thrombosis if you go for a log-on record!
  10. Retaining the Ashes and winning the 5 day series was a biggie for me ;D
  11. Multiple organ failure That's an alarming read Rick, I echo other's sentiments in hoping for a fast and full recovery.
  12. I've already resigned myself to this Tris. The bloke at Autocolour said the only other single cab examples he could find were at at Mitsu dealer in Kent (2 of a similar vintage but complete and for sale). Cotswold Vans where I bought it might have a better idea and i suppose there's the L200 forum (though it's really a club for the owners of flashier 4Lifes, Warriors, Animals, Barbarians, etc). My model is shaped differently to the bulkier 4wd's and it seems you can't interchange parts with any old L200 :'( On a plus note he said I could get pretty much its full value back, but it would mean the whole kerfuffle of finding a replacement. All this for a little knock on the ice!
  13. Being told my L200 4Work can't be repaired because they can't find the parts for it anywhere! :( :'( Hard to believe that..
  14. Second that, hats off to you sir.
  15. That reefer she's smoking can't be good for mum or baby's health
  16. Yesterday went for a family meet up at the Exeter Arms near Easton-on-the-Hill.
  17. I spent several hours clearing a drain of fat by hand only to find that it's still blocked
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