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Everything posted by CMB

  1. Congratulations John! I don't remember being asked specific questions about sparayer workings when I did the test though \
  2. I'm innocent your honour, not like those weird hill types! I didn't need to wrestle the ram really, he was very good
  3. Chasing sheep up and down hills and then wrestling with them And the afternoon cutting wood.
  4. Another Britains orange and black forage harvester this time boxed, plus today a Claas/Kemper SPF boxed.
  5. Good variety today: Feeding/bedding, antibiotic injection for a cow, chopping up logs with circular saw bench, delivering logs, & greasing tractor and digger (breaking grease gun ).
  6. Thanks Paul. In fact minutes after posting this I managed to seperate the two in the way you describe but couldn't delete my redundant post I've also realised I don't have a red partially-glazed 135 cab to fit the loader to but two fully glazed "weatherproof" ones (that you can't fit a loader to) so I might have to swap one of them with someone on the forum \
  7. Does somebody with some Britains knowledge know if it's possible to seperate a 135 Industrial cab from the red loader (without braking either the loader or the cab)? It looks like you need to slightly dismantle the loader to get it free of the oblong window holes \
  8. Do you remember what the pub was called Tris? I was on the A38 briefly, coming back from a "Personal Effectiveness" course at Hartpury college \
  9. Trying to uninstall old antivirus software because it clashes with some new protection i've just bought but I can't find the product key for it! \
  10. Some recent Britains and Britains-based conversions> Uncommon version of discs #9534 (1976 only): #9550 trailer, repaint in MF colours and 500-series wheels fitted: Blue LWB Land Rover and figure from set #9576, really plesed with this: Superb 7810 conversion based on Britains #9527 5610, and possibly inspired by UH model?:
  11. [table][tr][td]27.[/td][td]Kayak across the Pacific OceanEntering United States (Hawaii)[/td][td][/td][td]6,243 km[/td][/tr][/table] :laugh: :laugh:
  12. Sure, I got about halfway through the 42 pack on Sunday. Apart from being fiddley and time consuming to make they're also rather small for 1:32 setups, about 4.5cm high, so perhaps could be used for a younger crop. Fragile too. The other type (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250619602536&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT) looks more rigid and is closer to the right size at 9cm, but the most you can buy are 16 a pack at about £12-£15 each
  13. :P :P :P :P <I wish there were seperate smilies that catered for disgust and drooling as this gets used for both (?)>
  14. Well I'm not sure about really pleasing me but I passed my Pa-1 course at Hartpury scoring 30/33 on their multiple choice test. It was so p1ss-easy I'm just embarrassed not to have received full marks .
  15. Watching the straw bale delivery bloke fluff up unloading his trailer. It was geting dark and he wanted to speed things along so he took a stack of three big rectangular bales off with the loader, too quickly, sending them crashing down to the ground. Luckily they ended up wedged between the farm gate and his trailer (in pieces mind).
  16. Spent most of the day treating 3/4 herd for worms & resultant pathogens. Fun chasing after cattle to seperate them but gets boring after 3 hours and the calfs were a pain to identify & catch. To add to my discomfort I got kicked twice, once in the thigh then once more painfully in the shin, and frequently gobbed at
  17. A load of spares and two packs of self-assembly paper Maize plants by FR Green Line.
  18. Here you go: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rt=nc&nma=true&item=260685510714&si=xNZMgL2JtmnXpPuUYP0KfeGkR5c%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  19. Brown and green are the common ones, yellow is uncommon and red is definately rare. I've seen red ones go on Ebay for upwards of £50!
  20. My 'waterproof' trousers have virtually disintegrated on one leg, having barely lasted a week. It looks like I'm wearing green flares
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