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  1. CMB

    Harvest 2010

    I caught the tail end of this year's harvest at the top of our hill. The (?)wheat crop looked quite weather beaten. Another Massey combine this year but a change from the usual 36 with this 7272: On carting duties a Massey 3095 and Ford 7810, both with Marstons:
  2. There's just such a feral-looking farmer round our way, who closely resembles Ben Gunn!
  3. Godz I'm trying to take care of my Firestones but it's difficult not to spin when parked on a concrete slope. I dread the day when I get that bill..
  4. Fantastic range of tractors you get to drive Stuart, which is your favourite workmate out of those you've just posted?
  5. Looks like you have some competition from one GroovyChick: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350390425933&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350390422517&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  6. Well aside from burying the dog ( :'( ) I've been visiting a number of local farms doing my placement mail drop. 16 farms down some 50-odd to go L200 handled well, but I got stuck on one very steep hairpin and put a bit of rubber down.
  7. Thunderheads and downpours visible over the forest but fortunately passed us by today
  8. Thankfully I'm on anti-depressants which took some of the edge off it, but I'm still going to miss the silly old girl. Thanks Mark
  9. Someone will be dumb enough to buy it The odd completist etc
  10. Not been my week this week as we had to put the dog down this morning :'(
  11. A white Britains Powerfarm County 1884 arrived in the post today with only the cab frame and steering wheel reproductions and it's chugging along well. Now I can sell my rather forlorn one from childhood.
  12. Mike Edwards former ELO founder and cellist who played at my Grandad's funeral was killed in a freak accident when a round bale hit his van after rolling down a hill and through a hedge. He was a really nice bloke and we're all shocked and upset :'( :'( http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/showbiz/music-news/2010/09/06/elo-founder-mike-edwards-killed-after-94st-hay-bale-crashes-into-his-van-86908-22541644/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-11195393
  13. The bonnet decal is genuine Mark, I wouldn't want to fabricate it even if I could!
  14. Thanks for the video Mark. I noticed the combine driver didn't need to dismount to unhitch, is there a switch or button in the cab the operator uses to release it remotely?
  15. Just out of interest Tractorbob, how long does each task take approximately?
  16. Rare to have them in such good condition! All of mine have at least some parts missing
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