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Everything posted by CMB

  1. > :'( I've not won anything i've bid on for 2 weeks..
  2. Well I was counting on people in the know not seeing it ploughmaster, and I got that part right at least.. . I ended work early and dashed back home certain it was mine but bloody computer took too long to load. Waqiting a week for that. Ah well.
  3. > Missed this by 1 min. Much swearing. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280408574963&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  4. It clearly went to the right home, that's a nice line up. You just need the yellow mf and autoway tippers to complete the collection. Oh and that early edition high sided tipper in turquoise!
  5. Some great shots, I almost double-taked on the second photo of the feed wagon loading! Nice composition.
  6. NH T6070 with a 12T ?Kaytwo trailer, part of a nh team working on maize.
  7. Gah!!! You beat me by £1... . Was occupied so had to put a pre-emptive down. I also noticed this on Britainstoys.nl. Nasty colouyr but unusual.
  8. Slightly OT but is maize usually harvested so late? Bloke near us still has his growing and I thought it was high time he cut it..
  9. Something non-Britains for a change, a Dad's Tractors' diesel bowser. Back to britains though for a glazed MF135 cab from Ebay.
  10. Nice pictures Paul. Today laying the concrete base for t kindling shed with my old man . absolutely knackered but we're only halfway through and the mix has run out.. Oh and rescued one young chap who twisted/sprained his ankle crossing a stile, my good deed for the day
  11. Are you taking any of your constructions to Wincanton Damien?
  12. Taking down parent's kindling shed + preparing foundations for new one. Had a roast venison bun for lunch
  13. Yellow County 1884 Faun Potato harvester boxed (fingers crossed)
  14. Strange bright yellow 2wd Marshall (not the usual mustard colour)
  15. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-LEAD-TOY-FARM-FENCING-PANELS-INTERLOCKING-x-13_W0QQitemZ360190116161QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN?hash=item53dd010141&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 Is this really worth £17?
  16. And there was me thinking they were all original from the log trailer..
  17. Other sacks I've noticed: beige late 70s (1741); chocolate brown released late 80s/90s? As to the churns (are we really having this discussion? ) I think you're referring to the vehicle loads sets, yes?: http://cgi.ebay.ca/1979-Britains-Plastic-Vehicle-Loads-Churns-Sacks-NOS_W0QQitemZ220476619344QQcmdZViewItemQQptZToy_Soldiers?hash=item33556e3a50&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14. Look forward to your photos powerrabbit
  18. Erm not much no Seems excessive! How do the old churns differ from more recent ones (if at all)?
  19. More punctuation for a start!
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