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Everything posted by cyrilhanna

  1. never worked at a muir hill before but now that i have i know a muir hill 121 pretty well........knew it was going two be a big job this one but thats what i like is a good challenge..they our pretty much straight foward two work at...... after i looked at the tractor and told the man what i was going til do she was in the yard the next week til get done..... iv lost some of my photos from the start but i still have a lot............here she is
  2. i will do but il put it under some tractors iv restored...will do it some night this week.........loads of photos....
  3. a wee job i done for a boy....not offten u see one like this.......
  4. il make the 2680 in til a 2 wheel drive......
  5. iv watched the dvd a load of times its nice til see these babys working....
  6. them countys our a nice looking tractor even know some our a bit rare looking.......nice photos
  7. these boys our far better they our cutting silage.....
  8. massey ferguson 1155 v8 nothing could sound any better...........
  9. that looks like someshow.........wish i could get til a show like that..........
  10. this is how wee get some of our silage cut round our way..
  11. thanks now i know what it looks like.....that would hold the water well as the mudgaurds on the 135 i done had a bit of root on them..........
  12. well if u have driving one then you will know what they r like mines is only putting out 107 i hope...il have a look on utupe for ya......ta
  13. she has got all the sound deading pads in her but i think there should be some pads on top of the mud gaurds as the model has them on it, i have read that bit.....by the way its not my tractor it was for a customer ......she could be better but the man didt want two spend any more cash..........
  14. it would have two be for me the 1200 they r just lovely
  15. this little tractor has made it in two tractor and machinery along with bor,s did any body get this mag?....
  16. i will be going back two the old days with the 1200 on the new holland and the 590s drawing in with the mf trailers and the old massey shover in the pit.....
  17. this wee massey could of bean a good wee 35 with a bit more money spend on her at the time......
  18. bonnet better looking now,. she must of got a big bang at one time in her life. i told the man that the wheels centers was not right but did,t want two spend any more money..they have big holes in them....
  19. the man told me he stuck the forks in two the cab just so he could get the wheels off her.......now the cab is recked
  20. there was loads of rare stuff at this mans farm here is a few for starters...this is a bit of a rare yoke...
  21. it is name is khpobeu it has a v8 turbo what sort of power could it have??????
  22. not sure if there is many 2 wheel drive ones about 1981 with the wooden dash.
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