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About Powerstarâ„¢

  • Birthday 11/19/1989

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  1. Hello all, yes it's been a while! I'm not promising i'm staying, just part time! Who's my sidekick? Titty Pink NC?! hah! Dicky I have served a lifetime on this forum, and each of my answers has been very informative! Search for myself and MJB1 giving some constructive feedback to someones self propelled sprayer model, note to self it's NOT a Weeble Marcus haha!
  2. I'll give you damn Flowerstar you Cheffins Chuffing Chuff Bucket, Thanks Ol
  3. No more ideas! Else i'm going to get in trouble! Export remember!!!!
  4. I wanted a serious answer haha Might be up for grabs
  5. Answers quick please! This one... This exact one, all boxed Thanks! Oh and hi everyone hope you havn't missed me too much!
  6. Thanks Andy, not bad for £8 then
  7. Boxed, original TW-35 Just after a rough price, as I might of got a bargain!
  8. Haha! Good good times!
  9. I'll read it today you big bunch of caring individuals Yeah all good thanks Sean! Still up to the usual contracting orientated stuff, nothing exciting this time of the year though, hope your well! Thanks Mart, I have to say I do keep an eye on your Facebook to see what pictures are uploaded! Snow was the last lot I saw, very impressive! Marcus!! Yeah we're running a FH12 (had a sneaky drive round the yard, awesome!) with Autobox, it's 460 but chipped. We have a DAF XF running similar figures and we hire in a MAN sometimes, been bringing back straw from Cambridge way. Still havn't seen you yet either! I have a 6630 (not signwritten) with "Nothing runs like a Deere" in the window. I'll keep an eye out for ya!! Plus, you'll recognise me, i'm still a ugly buggar!!! Marky! 1986 was a wild year, I apologise, I drifted off course, had a few relapses and..... HANG ON SUNSHINE, I wasn't born then you cheeky get! Glad your well, I'm going to have a catch up on Hatty is it? Or Harry? I know you swing both ways Tristoff Swadro! - Your another Facebook regular, the 7530 spreading pictures with Wessex something or anothers were spot on! Jealous! Glad your well, hope you settled in to the new house well And Olly, why were you thinking of me? Good things I hope! Hows things out in the big NZ, I'm still saying to myself every damn year i'm going to come out but never do. Soon I hope, soon! Hope you are also very well! Kind Regards All
  10. I'm not back to stay i'm afraid, just doing my annual visit! Just thought a little hello wouldn't go a miss! Hope everything is as ***** and span as when I last left it! Maybe i'll be back at a later date, but got alot on at the moment, Just bought a JD 6920s off Ebay today for £7, and then remembered you lot! I expect there are quite a few new members who don't know me, but hi to you too! A little update to show you my current summer time job, this will be the 3rd season on this now and I love it! Take care, and I hope Lord Ferguson hasn't been bullying you all to much, oh and Rick pwwwwhhhrtttt Much love, hugs and kisses, Me xx
  11. Bought a Siku 6920s off of Ebay for £7 for reasons unbeknown as I havn't touched a model tractor for at least a year maybe 2. And then remembered this place and you lot
  12. My pink flowery CD player goes crackly on the radio all the time :'(
  13. :D :D My courtesy car from the bodyshop! I'm not sure if i'm a pensioner or a parent taking the kids to school! I have to wear sunglasses to drive it as not to be recognised! Mind you it hand breaks well, and sounds good without the airbox on The coupe is the same power as 4 of this car! Can't wait til Friday now!!!!
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