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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. unlikely to be going without it bill ! i'll keep an eye out for any farmall's for you
  2. i expect my next purchase will be an MF600 kit from PDC at toytrac, although it will be modified to build a 675 i expect
  3. me & the boys might just go have a look see at this years bridgewater ploughing match later at Rhode , just outside bridgwater
  4. great pics again mart, especially the 675 i must say, well all the harvest gone it'll soon be all go on the groundwork .ready again for next year! & as for the ............well not as surprising as it may seem favourtism to the massey as to the slightly surprising indifference to the nh. I have a letter here from lord ferguson with the permission & clearance for you to have the MF tripple triangle freeze branded on yer ar$e & you new forum name to be Marty Ferguson from hence forth with ;)
  5. just had another look see & think next week may see me trying one of these , do i take it that the chassis also needs taking down where the bonnet sits ? as looks a bit wide for the 595 bonnet & think i'll try to shorten the wheelbase while i'm at it
  6. hmmm not bad for a blue i supose pete :D nice touches mate ,shame they make the tyres so shiney really & where's your usual siku hitch ? other than that , it's turned out nicely. for sale or for keeps ?
  7. now that does take me back a long time ago i had one of those , but not enough lego for a trailer , i remember having trouble with the steering , till my dad sorted a 'britains type whole axle turn' affair for me
  8. seen a fair few round this way mate , chap near chard had 2 one of them used to run a donkey engined jag forager on one the other was the ploughing tractor
  9. not sure how thick the concrete floor in the lean-to/garage is , but need to move all my tools from one corner all in cube shelving , as got a hooge crack in the floor & think thats what the problem is
  10. do you think the uprights from a 6140 loader would fit the siku loader to be adapted ?
  11. bit random ? but i think it was more than just rubber tracks thet spelt the demise of track marshall bit of a reds fan but for me personally i can't think of a tractor so bad it doesn't belong there , pointless models maybe, the 230 for example ? why ? what was the point of having a downrated 240 ? maybe the only bad MF from experience would be one particular MF698 , no torque, bad hydraulics, awfull tractor to spend the day in unfortunately when it went it went well , but when it went badly , it wouldn't be bad enough to have to park it up was pleased to see that go & a 698T replace it i did all the fert spreading, hedge trimming & most of the mowing & a fair bit of slurry tanking with this tractor
  12. MJB1

    massey 3050/3070

    i was going to say that \
  13. yesterday; had two loads & a visit to the workshops to measure a new rollover sheet. told that of two farms in wales on sat only 1 is artic friendly so i have to use an 8whlr ..................great . last 2 times i used this particular lorry , i once spent 2hours in workshops getting defects put right before i could deliver anything , 2 weekends ago i found 5 wheels had untorqued wheelnuts & 4 of them were fingertight ! how can this be ? we even have wheelnut indicators :o yesterday the lorry was in back in the yard at 1400, was fueled, not washed , weighed in or loaded for sat . getting a bit narked with the two particular drivers that share this lorry, they're the people that get in the cab & go without any daily checks at all let alone a rule that the tacho has to show 15 mins before moving off ! i look forward to going to work & try to give at least 99%effort into what i do everyday . i'm just narked that after my full days work, i have to finish someone elses as well > >
  14. i'm sorry sue but i wont let this lie Dear Lard ferguson, are you implying that i one of the members of the ferguson fraternity think you bolster you manlyness with the aid of said vegetables ? When we all know the massive from the massey massive does not indeed refer to the size of the current MF members owners assosiation but more to the fact we need no such aids as to what the ford owners may need to induce courtship amonst the fairer sex ? No indeed no i was implying that as a pillar of our comunity as a fruitieeriere er you carry such examples of brassica & cool sandwich filler / salad must have, to tempt the maidens with your wholesome & hearty produce that they may ask after & being the right honourable gent that you are would not let fair maiden down in not being able to produce at least a sample of the fine stock you are known to have . The fact that you have said veg on your whereabouts just goes to show the forsight in being able to show this token gesture to ladies & gentlemen alike for perusal at their leisure is entirely gracious to which we all be thankfull, for even i have been tempted to procure a crate of fine apples from your goodly self when at your come & drive my tractor meet before the show of spalding did taste. So you see your attempt at a duel for a hug from our dear lady friend was mis-interpreted on your behalf but for no matter i forgive you this miss-understanding we have both partaken of . well i'll be at toy trac , next springs spalding looks unlikely though , think i'd rather save the money for the 168 at the moment as there's nothing modely i really want at the mo
  15. welcome to the forum bob , look forward to seeing some pictures of your collection , please dont worry about your english , we sometimes struggle with it ourselves i don't quite know what language you speak in Slovenia ? russian ?
  16. wouldn't just fitting a siku linkage unit have been easier or not ?
  17. often wondered why most uk built trailers dont have those towing eye's as an option at least
  18. s'ry ..................................but he did start it
  19. oh yeah & just because you're a fruit & veg man doesnt mean you stuff a cucumber & head of brocoli down yer pants to impress either............................... as it doesn't ( i don't personally know that this is what marky tries i'm only going on what barry told me ) \
  20. what do you mean get in the queue ? i'm at the front
  21. MJB1

    At Work With Jamie

    what happened to the lambo jamie ? thought that was love of yer life ? nice pics of the zetors though mate & that 77 looks very tidy
  22. hoorah ! all again is good in the world
  23. looks like you know what you want chap , unfortunately there is very little if any in the way of 1/32 scale leyland marshall so looks like self build or by from a conversionist like dave towse http://www.britainstoyfarm.co.uk/page7.html
  24. aww sue i'm gutted , who will i get my bi-annual hug from :'(
  25. yep think the big '115' on the front gives it away johny some great pictures you took mate , thanks for showing a proper original collection
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