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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. indeed small changes can transform the look of a model nice tractor chap
  2. ME find parking spaces ? i think if you posted a new topic called 'thinking of buying a smallholding in somerset near marcus' you'd have found & bought somwhere 5 mins from me & started another bussiness before a reply was posted :D :D \
  3. blimey thats a dumpy little feller isn't it ! bigwoods have one at the moment & has been parked next to an 8690 top of the cab doesn't come to the top of the 8690 rear tyre :D
  4. i'm just waiting for you to move down here so i don't have to travel so far to have a play on them , nice buy mark , must be awfull having all those machines to hand ! ha haha ha ha ha hahahahahahahhahcough!
  5. ah the new type crystals pull like trains ;D
  6. was the 10145 the updated model with the duncan supercab ? i have driven the 8145 & 14145 with the all orange colour & the 12145 with the black duncan cab
  7. ah cant knock that mate it was that idea that that made getting the tractor feasible in the first place
  8. thanks simon, may just take you up on that one weekend i'll be happy as a pig in poo
  9. decals the ones i seen have 1 'massey ferguson' decal in centre of tail board & same on head board 1 'massey ferguson 700' decal on sides on setions nearest front pillars ah found this just click on the pic to make it bigger , sorry only pic i could find at the moment & if yer wondering why it's green it because they have a green tractor , well they have a 6480 now :D
  10. MJB1

    MF 5175

    i would have thought it would have been easier to fit the 100 series bonnet & grill to a 575 but here's a thought , it's a shame, as if he'd played dumb & said he knew nothing about it other that it came from the MF factory years ago ,there'd be an explosion of interest from people thing that just maybe it might just be a very forgotten ex works mock up test tractor , just like the 6cyl 185/188 they tried then apparently broke up
  11. nice buy simon . looks sound enough , but looks like time is running out for the o/s door at the bottom , make a good trimmer tractor ! would make a nice picture together with your friends 2wd 699, 698T & 690 what is it about 2wd 600 series you & your mates got ? 35 mph ? either someones done some fidling in the gearbox or it was a 'never went anywhere' export tractor wether it's right or not DB & MF could fit high speed boxes for export tractors never known an MF but a friend has a 2wd 1690 that will steam on at 35-40 mph. how old is it simon ? B ? C reg ? i'd guess it's an early one as it has the short front side pannels , they were released later with the slightly deeper & grilled ones like the 4wd used to have. i'm now JD with envy , you got to take it to next years yestedays farming , apart from you hitting the bar hard , i'll get to have a go on it
  12. receiving his 1st prize award some sweets & a packet of tulip bulbs .............well it is a flower show after all well done mate !
  13. the judging is done mid morning without the crowds or owners so nobody could bribe or cajole them into anything , so i expect thomas was chuffed to see this at the front of the farm ! a rather happy thomas !
  14. well as posted my mjb's mummy thomas managed to get a 1st at Whitelackington flower show in the crafts section , not bad considering it's an open class with no defining age classes so children compete along with adults. Thomas isn't here till next weekend , & he's asked me to post the 'show' pics ! no doubt he'll be online sometime to peruse the reviews later :D all packed in the car ready to go ! setting up not bad really considering a table is 6ft long & it's an 8ft display ! couple of pre show pics
  15. MJB1

    MF 5175

    sometimes it's better to just leave things be http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Massey-Ferguson-5175-Tractor_W0QQitemZ270447253324QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_BOI_FarmingEquipment_RL?hash=item3ef7e9974c&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  16. why not do what many other forum members here do , attend spalding for the spring show & toy-trac for the autumn show that way you get to go to both.
  17. hmmm...................wonder if we can get an extended waranty on malcy
  18. so whats next then i know a nectra always fancied doing one for meself , but dont want to wreck the two renaults i have ....................... well theres my next purchase sorted then
  19. ours here in the uk are like your second pic you posted scott
  20. found this link & think you'd like the bottom of page 5 http://www.modelenium.co.uk/models/models.aspx?P=5&C=Trucks+1%3a87
  21. cracking truck richie pass the rell thing loads on the motorways ! my Gregory trucks are probably from the same maker as they are meant to be 1/87ish , have a link where to get them from richie ? i got mine free as part of my xmas bonus when i worked for gregory's although my depot were a bit narked as we were on the MilkLink contract with any luck thomas can add more scenic peices as time goes on
  22. very nice paul , really liking that & by the looks of it , you've cut the bonnet depth down to give the right shape grill & even cast a new grill ? top marks that man so does that mean i can get delivery of 600 parts at toytrac ? got a feeling there's going to be a flood of 699's being built soon paul :D
  23. blimey scot that was almost time warpish ! one post at may 20 2006 then the next one was yesterday ! nice building , & selection of animals as always , but do wonder if farmer always has the need to carry his gun around ? either that or he's waiting for the zulu's to reposess it with the warning , 'ere this yers meddervale varm , not bl00dy Rorkes Drift !' i shall log off with stop frowin blaady spears at me
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