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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. now this i did find interesting , seen pictures before but never seen one working. compared to a pitchfork this must have been a welcome addition to any farmworkers day during the proper hot summers
  2. well went again on the sunday & within half an hour , i was approached by the the combine & threshermen if i was available to haul a load again but i said i'd only do the 1 laod which was fine as it was only the combines they were worried about , any way rob & i took a few more pics of what was about ,
  3. good going rich good to see you had a decent start with it , even the first 'before' pic it doesn't look too bad
  4. typical policeman , never in the right place at the right time :D never mind kev , roll on plough time
  5. well if you can get a caravan up as well as the tractor mark , it seems to be a good weekend , as the bar stays open for the evening,for the resident exhibitors & mum says they could hear singing from across the village , so i think a bit of karaoke was going on as well ! the TW35 was static on Saturday but i did see it down in the stubble fields on the sunday ripping up the tramlines & i think the owner also took the 5020 off the plough & had a few hours with the 4240......................which was nice 7810 ? theres no accounting for taste there was also a 7610 in just a good condition , but didn't see that till the Saturday evening really
  6. got to dunk some cookies or something i think was a good weekend wasnt it , got a few more pics to post as well !
  7. well it's a two day event mate , so best get next year booked to bring the 240 down for the weekend ! wasn't a 240 there actually & bring a plough or cultivator for some play about groundwork , you can do as much or as little as you want ! brilliant weekend graham . loved it all ! i pinched jez's hat to get some red wear into it , he may not be quite so daft then ! not fun sean it was serious ! serious fun that is
  8. well what happened was .......................i was talking to a chap with a restored MF400 combine & i ended up being half talked into & half volunteering to haul a trailer between two combines & a thresher \
  9. saw that & thought ah yes sean wants a pic of that ! all poloshed up & restored ? to be honest mate i'm not that bothered now yes i thought the same when callum tried them on , not the fact they fit him more the fact how he's grown !
  10. if you can get down here mate , yeah really worth a visit , surprised myself really but have got a great place for this size of event a nice comfy bed ? she's got a plastic basket with a couple of fleecy blankets , but not the bed , well not while mads is sitting just behind me :D :D any way she'd not pee'd off really just narked that she's not on the tractor with me , or that i'm not in the box with her mind you mads has the same expression when she rides in the box as well ,, but she really is pee'd off :D
  11. just power really Ol ah here we are tims drill here you go sean any help ?
  12. right enough of me ................if thats possible ...................guffaww \ ready for this mark .........................
  13. lets show her to the clamouring crows er crowds mum took these , look there's me about a mile back just passing.................. hey get out of the shot kid & coming into the ring ............................. it was about here the flint in my lighter went about here the commentator anounced that here was the rolls royce of the 100 series tractors the designated **8 tractors , well i have to admit i've been wanting to re-fit the polished walnut dashboard for a while now time to leave the madding crowd now & find a bacon roll
  14. this 590 belongs to a friend called tim he also had his MF 30 drill with him those pics are also here somewhere \ callum had my proper period overalls on , i thought it'd make a good pic
  15. right then lets see what we can see & with over 300 tractors on site , we should see a fair bit these are in no particular order
  16. sit back , you may be here for a while i'll not comment on all the pics as most will know whats what ! thanks to callum , thomas & mum for taking a few of these as well ready for the off bag o stuff ........check......dog......... check la ....laaa ....laa ...la ....ridin on the road to nowhere now then am i humming the tune to max & paddy , or BJ & the Bear are we there yet i'll plonk it here then seems to be in good company & i think a guard & his dog will help :D
  17. well it started out as one but sort of ended up as the other mark \ pictures will follow , but i expect some will be posted up in my 168 topic ............oops ! but suffice to say there is a pic in here especially for your likeing matter of fact soon as i saw it i thought , yes marks going to love this :D not on the IPTO equipped tractors Ol mine has 1000 / 540 speed
  18. just a tease as photobucket has froze on me
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