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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. stunning model you have there brian , but then it does compliment all your others , there was also a 1500gal version of the 100 on two axles also
  2. yesterdays farming show at Dillington Estate Ilminster Somerset. been a few years since i went to this show but i have decided to 'show' the 168 this year , will post some pictures sometime over the weekend, also if yer local & you also get pictures feel free to post them up i cleaned the 168 up a bit by wiping some WD40 all over it , well it will also help protect the paint it still has on it ! i also refitted the safety frame yesterday with the help of my stepson of sorts rob so it looks a bit different ,no not different, better
  3. :D you make it sound like a bad american cop movie malcy do you have seed green flashing lights to help you get there faster some cracking pics though love the 600TT, i even managed to get a pic of dillingtons 580TT this year as well
  4. welcome along to FTF paul , most of us here know burger all about farming either & most of us are farm workers , ex-farm workers & a few members are farmers :D but as such is life we all learn more the only thing you really need to have here is a good imagination for what you want to achieve & a healthy bank account for trying to achieve it after a month here your imagination will be completely random at best & a severly depleted bank account after trying to achieve what you thought you wanted :D :D good luck mate , & welcome again to a whole new world
  5. really don't know how you find the time & get it to look as good as it always does graham especially when you say 'in time for toytrac' ! you seem to create a amazing display in the same amount of time normal people 'just finished my first shed just needs a roof , walls & doors' :D as per though , yer a top chap for this sort of thing & will look forward to seeing it on the day, as got a feeling it'll attract the crowd just like your other setups like the sound of a daf85 curtainsider with moffet we got a couple of daf 75 6whlrs moffet ready at work so MVF colours would be nice :)
  6. well done sue , there you are then ads .........................Maisie Ferguson
  7. the 298 was a long wheelbase tractor so you might get away with the volvo2645 chassis , also i cant remember if the 298 was offered with anything other than the duncan supercab as have never seen one fitted with anything else would have thought i'd have seen a different one by now i have used a 298 for ploughing & buckrakeing , slightly sluggish , & typical of the longwheel base could feel a bit cumbersome around the yards but brilliant on the pit , other than that not a bad tractor really
  8. more common than you think sean ,those side pannels are only bolted on sean , so many were taken off & never put back on , even took a picture of a 35 today with some on nice buy adam , looks like these massey tractor things are getting quite popular 120 acres eh ? best get all the massey owners up there , we can have our own ftf massey play day
  9. just promise me you wont paint the wheel centers red ok
  10. give barry a call , think he was having trouble moving this tractor & the MF equivilent a while back , as people wanted more detail than this model could offer if it's the same tractor i'm thinking of http://www.udimoretractorshop.com/
  11. very nice steve apart from the chassis , are they all repro parts used for the rebuild ? & why does the front grill always get missed for some paint treatment
  12. well in that case seeing as pauls only done one , it's a limited edition
  13. whaaaat ?? you mean there wasn't an ftf member near enough to for it to be donated to blimey that must have been an awfull day
  14. will give that a try sometime soon thanks
  15. all quality richie , thomas has a round baler so must get some bales sorted for him soon he's also like some hills & scenery but our modeling skill are developing slowly , give him too much artistic license & a space shuttle launch pad & runway are going to be built behind the farm house :D biggest problem is that flat boards are going to be easier to transport to shows so hills will have to wait , love the scenes so far mate , any tips on how to dust / dirty up the machinery
  16. well i been a member here since sept 2005 & even then members were banging on about how poor the britains hitches were & all we get to hear is 'it takes time to get things like that sorted' sorted ? should have been left alone in the first place or at least a siku type linkage fitted . Well i hope we won't have to end up butchering our long awaited masseys to fit siku hitches , come on britains RC2 i think 4 years shoud have been enough time , to get a decent hitch / linkage sorted failing that reinstate the older type hitch & i don't mean the awfull centre mounted lift lever , i mean the side mounted one that can be changed if it broke with a simple wheel removal , not a chassis splitting job come on RC2 britains , we've waited long enough regards Mr barrett , SOMERSET (address withheld by request) oh new Massey coming out , ? really ? looking forward to that
  17. wow , 3 in a day ! good to see some of these old machines kept well enough to be a valuable part of the season , the last time i saw a complete one of these was in 2002 rusting away peacefully at the back of a leaky bramble covered barn also glad to see not everythings 4wd , finding two 2wd 390's working together makes a good pic great pictures
  18. yes i think i have already made that bit clear matter of fact luke the funniest part about this MOTM is that your model looks like the real deal more than your real deal pics of the deal deal :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D this week i r mostly larfin too much :D *in jessie's diet stylee*
  19. we too also found those mate but they are a smaller scale , matter of fact much smaller when we bought a pack of farm workers than placed them by the tractors ! thanks anyway yes they are hen houses richie but as you know from your own the metcalfe kits are a slightly larger scale than 1/87 so to keep true to form , the chickens would be the size of the tractors now what a roast diner that would be :D if you look back at the first few pages ,the end of the bigger hen house was cut away for access for the the tractors with intention of a small workshop , but even in this scale room soon becomes a valuable commodity , simply due to the fact you can squeeze so much more in , so the workshop idea went & the redesign of a small cowshed was it's new life ! you still kept you 1/32 set up ?
  20. missed this MOTM luke , well done mate about time the 590 was done & as lord fergo pointed out the real deal backend belongs to a 550 but no big deal there mate as so does your real deal engine shot couple of things you could have pointed out though the gear box fitted in these tractors were optional , most common were the 8 speed , or the 6 speed multipower. post 1980 tractors could be spec'd with the ever popular 12speed synchro although it could test you patience when trying to change 3 gear sticks at any one time i think most people used the main gears as normal & used the final fast gear change like an overdrive gear cab update around 1981 to give the driver two doors to fall out of , but in reality the second door was added for no other reason than to take away the pain from having your fingers being amputated by the top hinged side window & so the cab floor could be swept out properly on the 550 /565 models (the 575 & 590 you could just manage) although , it did make it awkward having to undo the skanky rope needed to pull the trip for the non power loader version of the 80 loader , after the electric trip spool failed as soon as it was delivered to the farm . also updated was the front grill which went from a two peice removable top part to a one fully removeable one peice grill , the reason for this was that the grills fell out regularly & mf realised they could make more money if the farmer had to replace his lights as well as the grill ! bingo more revenue. french cabs had two steps & brit cabs had one step is a common misconception british cabs were also built with two steps although missing one step can give you a nasty grazed shin just as much as two steps , even worse if you just try hopping up to the cab & miss the step (steps) completely & smack you shin & kneecap making carry on smiling like the brave little soldiers we were pah of course it didn't hurt 8) :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( i'm sure there's more i can't remember from driving these brilliant tractors but i'll leave it there for now , when the fog in my head clears i may jot some more down , i think the 500 series were great tractors ..... no ... seriously
  21. bit big for hen houses really arn't they ,especially for this scale
  22. well mate you best get a move on with the rest of the hedges as it makes it's first public outing in a few weeks
  23. Now this may sound strange Will but i used to drive a 6610 with a 'rubics' & a 7610 with an H box & i found the rubics easier to use , once you mastered where the actual gears were hiding ! but then i drove the 66 more than the 76. The problem with the H box i found was the S shaped lever , i know it was supposed to be designed to fit the dash & drivers knees , but apart from the forward & back movement , it was getting enough forward & downward momentum & pressure to get to 3rd gear before the tractor lost all forward motion & engine speed & yes the range change / reverse was truly awfull, it felt like being punished to have to do the buckraking with those tractors thank the lord for the sanderson 622 ! things obviously had to change when the series 2 came out & the revised cab ,flat floor & floor mounted gears on the right were a welcome change, but even then some of the gears arangements were different , again a 6610 & 7610 spring to mind, the 66 the farm bought had a totaly different gear pattern to the 76 which made things interesting if you happened to get used to one then get into the other . but overall ford managed to find their feet & get back the sales the original 10 series lost them , especially when the long awaited 78 was released , but even then i still maintain trying to change gear on them was like stiring a bucket of bricks with a broom handle The only thing i'd really change on these tractors of which a friend of mine actually did with his 7710 was to wire up the dual power to a toggle switch clamped to the main gear stick, soooooooo much easier to use
  24. now thats a punishment ony you could hand out barry :D :D quality post :D :D
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