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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. thanks adam , but you may want to avert yer eyes , as the topics about to turn a bit blue ,but colm's going to love it \ from the top ford 6610 2wd LP cab ford 6810 2wd SQ cab female mud wrestling & pole dancing lessons \ ford 7610 2wd AP cab NH TM 165
  2. i would imagine a galvanized auger , yellow frame, motor & hopper
  3. well 'the g' thats a good looking combination, likeing the tanker very much but the stars & stripes on the fendt roof need to go !
  4. the same as cows really mate , silage ,hay ,haylege, compounds feeds ,
  5. thanks sean , as you can imagine thomas is somewhat chuffed
  6. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    great pics gav, certainly got some water system going there re; back windows , , ex boss used to tow out with a JD2140 but used to leave it at the end of the rows with the back window open used to hate towing out the next day about the only time i needed waterproofs & that was just to sit in the cab :D
  7. thought i'd throw that one in mk1 165 tris, all original far as i could tell ! MFcombine is a 510 , surprised luke didn't recognise it , it's been parked there the last 10 years that i know of just outside nether stowey 850? something like that ,wasn't a 900 anyway
  8. as usual i'll end with some red & grey stuff no comfortable heated garage for this 410
  9. seeing there was only one forage wagon working & with a round trip taking approx 40mins , the pit driver really was in no hurry
  10. now to a delivery in Wales to see whats happening in the sun
  11. as well as the deere's i think he liked a splash of yellow as well and some more greenery
  12. some green & yellow & yellow & some red i expect here you go luke , beefsteak chaseing a feed lorry on the M5 :D first one for people who like bright shiney wheels now to a contractors yard nbetween southampton & winchester chap was running two of these mowers
  13. oops for a moment there i thought you'd named your dump trailer Gav :D old bus looks good on that trailer mate but i wouldn't think it holds as much as the marshall does it mart ? after all the dumpers built for weight not bulk like dung still no silage
  14. john deere still make them , i know this as JD dealer 'smarts' in dorcherster have one crated sitting in the yard waiting to be assembled
  15. good going chap , glad to see awkward clamps are still used along with modern fast machines , got to have yer wits about you although looks like you have the right machine for the job. i used to buckrake in 6 bay dutch barn double, with 5 uprights every 15ft down the middle it was a real pain , not so bad with a rear mount buckrake as pretty manuverable , but when the front linkage was used it was an awfull barn to fill ! had to keep the grass heaped right up around them else you manage to get one of them uprights caught between the front & rear wheels you'd had it tried rolling too close with a 2640 once & got it jammed against the cab , not too bad but it was against the door side oops :D great pics
  16. good going sean , looks like you have this one sorted , never seen a real one before , but i do remember the DB / international base sprayers , i don't know if it was the same people
  17. if the trailer men did their job right then the chopper driver wouldn't have to do much with the loading of the trailer anyway ! but then trailers are a bit bigger now . as for 'the pit mans job is to get the grass out of the way & rolled well before the next trailer arrives' ? no thats not right , the pit man job is to clear the grass & roll the pit well , the next trailer can wait , this i know i've also had run in's with the chopper driver over it . you can't roll the pit well if trailers are coming in too quickly, & just getting it away isn't good enough, many contractors loose the contract for bad silage being made ,contractors have to remember the farmer has to make money too & if the silage is bad then the milk yeild goes down , & concentrates & blends have to be bought in to keep it up & all this means is that the milk cheque doesn't look as good as it should ! forager drivers go fast as to get onto the next job to earn the money to pay for the forager & maybe get a few extra acres in . if the crew does it's job well there should be no kings or fools all should work as well as the next man. the farmer is king they're the people who could make or break a contractor , get it wrong & everyone will soon know about it & once that happens , it's hard to pay for a forager on HP with no customers
  18. MVF are getting quite friendly with VOSA in wales , matter of fact i think some of the drivers & officers are on first name terms :D & it's all to the good , the maitainance by the drivers is being taken more seriously as none of them want the fines or points
  19. all very true, if stopped by the police, they have the power to give you a fixed penalty notice ranging from £60 - £200, payable within 14 days , thats for the driver not the owner, these fines only affects the owner if he's the driver . the police also have the power to prohibit any further use of the vehicle they find to be unsafe for road use. so if they pull you & say you're going no further with this vehicle thats it & all about it ! few years back i was pulled on a dual carridgeway for having under inflated tyres , i argued the fact that they were actually low profile tyres & were meant to be like that , but i wasn't allowed to procede untill a tyre fitter was called out nearly an hour later to confirm it
  20. now look here mr smallparts i'm sure mart could pick fault plenty with my lorry but my lorry doesn't have anything hanging from it although if you bring a rope & i'll sort something :D :D :D keep taking the pics mart & don't mind me although i must say maybe only a tonne of red stone weighs a tonne mart , as if yer selling it on, half a tonne of red stone isn't a tonne & weights & measures & trading standards would be only too happy to have a sit & chat about it :D come on mart more pics mate , need to see how silage is going :)
  21. sorry mate not a clue what yer talking about now \
  22. i expect they only need two there mate , they're right next to the dairy unit , i dare say the trailer can be tipped & back out in the field before the other's still being filled ! quote modified
  23. oooh nice pics dan , you're obviously at Knot Oak dairy , i can remember that when it was all fields & i remember it being built ! the houses / old farm on the corner down the road was where my nan used to live , & can remember sitting on the wall watching the estate silaging with 7600's & trailers being hauled by 5600's & 46 /4100's how times change ! the farm further round the corner is braggs old farm , where i get pics of uncle C's fendts really nice pics dan , very clear & a lovely day to follow that lot round , so how many loads you get to haul mate ?
  24. yeah seen bernies claas mate , nice looking machine , but haven't been down there for a while , not often i really get down there luke , seem to spent most my days heading into wales or towards kent or reading area ! yeah beefsteak still sits on the dash
  25. :D yer not wrong there mate i had a static home behind the drier mate , & that was the last thing at night first thing i saw every morning when i walked round the corner :D you don't readily forget a giant chalk bloke with a mamoth **** on a hill for those who dont know it just click on the blurb below http://search.orange.co.uk/mediaredirect?sv=pictures&src=google_image&q=cerne+abbas+giant&b=-9&brand=ouk&uu=0000012188b1a3f76e49da6999f88a04&d=www.historic-uk.com&thumb=http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:DbSp46LY0BHXnM:http://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/CerneAbbas.jpg&pictitle=%20...%20%20is%20the%20%20Cerne%20Abbas%20Giant%20%20%20...%20&picname=%20Cerne%20%20Abbas%20.jpg&picweight=14kb&fullsize=http://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/CerneAbbas.jpg&pagefrom=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.historic-uk.com%2FCultureUK%2FChalkFigures.htm&height=252&width=297&geom=297x252%20-%20jpg&pge=1&pos=6&size=&imtype=
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