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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. this is the older of the 820's that are operated it's on a 58 plate , driven by new chap neil he's a really nice chap even if he did used to drive new hollands easy soil this , some of the best in the south west , very light & free draining
  2. front tank full of liquid fert applied as they're planted , dont ask at what rate as i forgot to ask a pic of the bussiness end plenty of room to pass although colin can plant at a faster speed than the destoner can , although having said that there are usually 2 destoners working ahead of him , but more of that in a moment
  3. we're off ! for all of about 20 meters time to make sure the spaceing & depth is right
  4. a quick view of mission control \ & of course a quick headland scuff
  5. arty pic of the 936 colin & martin probably arguing over who's going to win the premiership
  6. with manitou on hand spuds are loaded a pink powder called Monceren, is sprinkled over the spuds Monceren can help protect the spuds against black scurf, silver scurf & stem canker
  7. as C was off to fetch the manitou i took a few of martins new ride , & there's nothing small about martins tackle , this is big boys toys a brand spanking new fendt 936 he also had a new one last year , but this one has all the self steer /gps gadgetry fitted here working the 3 row bedtiller/formers & according to martin , even at 360hp , in heavy ground it will drag the fendt down & I quote 'sit her on it's ar$e'
  8. well been 2 years since i made a visit to uncle C planting spuds so thought i'd have a drive about to see whats changed well first thing thats changed is that his McCormicnicknackpaddywacgivethedogabone has been swapped in for a new 09 fendt 718 vario & very pleased he is with it as well ! oh yeah also has a new /newish planter
  9. ooh come on man , will you just get it finished & KEEP THE WEIGHTS ! to be honest mate we're humouring you Seans = MF , Peters = VOLVO, Jez = John Deere, i'm MF & Bluefan is deluded . it has to be a 7700 for credibility & then we can close the topic :D really mate i cant wait to see this finished , going to look great ,proper tractor
  10. thats a good looking tractor , well done chap
  11. good pics mart , but whats 'hen pen.....'
  12. i wasn't wondering that hard mind you :D go on simon go old school , get the old type decals & get her dressed as a 7700 that would be great :)
  13. i did wonder what happened to this tractor / tractors , you susre you know what you want & how to do it
  14. that would be an interesting sight to see in clubland :D
  15. matter of fact i think you're right , i seem to remember the early 399 had a side mount drive shaft to the front axle although i may well be wrong
  16. yeah brian by the sounds of it paul i spose an MF1505 would be the first stop ? try these chaps http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=16580.0 http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=21980.0 http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=21951.0
  17. all good mark, just hope by the look of the tractor he's got a big enough trailer to haul the corn in !
  18. well i thought i'd try it on a TW first & you know what it worked ! although not quite the result i need for a massey , another trick is like the tyres , warm the wheels up in a bowl of warm water , the plastic becomes a bit more supple to pull the ribbed bar from
  19. yeah funny that , when i asked you recomended a 1/4lb ball pein hammer & coal chisel
  20. did you get the my 699 link fred ? as far as i'm aware the 699 & 399 was the same beast apart from the cab & tin , so i don't think you'll be far off with the britains 2654 VOLVO BM as a base to work from
  21. he didn't need any help to get into the hobby Ol , he's been wanting to have a display at toytrac the last 2 years ! i'm only here to stem the flow of blood ,glue & money he'd use to do it :D
  22. welcome along chap , enjoy you're time here , but don't go silly , FTF addiction is great for us but a little wearing for ............. er..... normal people \
  23. MJB1

    My week

    oooh seems an age since you were called MF fan mate, no masseys for a while eh ? all fendt , case & JD ,large ones at that ! hope you're going to happy in the new job phill, & keep the pics coming chap
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