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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. Thomas has asked me to help with his next venture , so i supose it's classed as a joint venture & although i'll be using the sharp knives & power tools , he's a dab hand with the glue & ideas. I may add that it's his own money he's saved that will be financing the project so will only be a few weeks maybe before he shows you whats in the offing ! Once i've done my bit , like all dads i'll be surplus to requirement & he'll take the credit for the whole thing :D
  2. think you'll find that much of the early euro spec 2000 tractor leaflets had US promotional pics included, just like some of the JD 7000 series tractors were aimed at euro land , but had US spec pics in them , & theres quite a difference between them ! my opinion paul , go fit the decal, the fuel tank is replaceable if you dont like it anyway my preference would be not to have the decal , it looks american , or should that be tacky \
  3. good to know it's on another outing graham , always goting to be a centerpeice at any show :)
  4. first thought that went through my head as well colm , HUUUUUGE
  5. well if tris has his way then i spose my layout will be there , but i think this maybe the first outing of young thomas' display , he's certainly got a fair bit of enthusiasm at the moment , he's slowly getting everything together for a build !
  6. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    i used to run in with the bedformer on markers,do 5 fresh beds then come back in to the 'filler' rows & work across the field so sort of got a pattern of a new bed down the field & & filler back up , worked well although sideling work really tested my patience , as the machine wants to crab down while trying to keep a decent bed for the destoner to follow , you usually end up with some quite narrow beds ! i also used to have a 400 litre front tank to inject liquid fert whilst bedtilling/forming although , have also had the tank on the planter as well , very much depended who i was working for at the time as to what system was used. sorry gav off mumbling again whats your system gav ?
  7. darn & barst it sean i have to keep going back 2-3 pages each time i log on judt to catch up with whats going on ! good work mate although i'd plump for the 575 on the rollers , too much dust & noise for those rollers for my liking
  8. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    i think even gav will agree that when yer tracking in from whats effectively an 18 - 24 furrow even you could keep them straight marky :D
  9. what happened there daisy ,run out of humbrol paint / looks like you finished it with nail varnish , my partner has the same shade :D good going , so whats next ?
  10. like the bedformer Ol nice bit of work done there
  11. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    it only gets boring when you've got a bed tiller on the formers , thats when the whole job goes into slow motion murray \ i take it all your spud land is light enough to not need bedtilling gav ? i noticed you had the markers up as well , do you run in the previous ridge & only work one ridge at a time , or work on the bout markers effectively giving two ridges with one run nice pics mate , really starting to itch now , i know what i'd rather be doing compared to spalding , you'll have to ring me next year & we'll swap
  12. some very patient & precice work gone into that, looked very smart on the day too. would like to see the roof canvas done as would other members
  13. surprising how much that little link box weighs when you put a few shovel fulls of soil in ! surprised mavis as well , she thought she'd retired :D
  14. great tip john , 2 months late for me but great none the less :D
  15. what do you think of the white metal mark , i have 2 floorpans, cabs & roofs for the 500's , going to be a new experience for me ! alreadt noticed , they dont flex they bend ! \
  16. right sorry fred , will send you another pm shortly , trouble is i'm also in contact with the member freds conversions & i think i sent him what i meant to send to you no wonder i had two replies with varing degrees of vague confusion :D PM on the way
  17. what happened to these sheds john , were they ever finished ?
  18. more like he'd realise his mistake & know that he'd have to go back to the blue tractor mind you if i spent most of my days in a tractor , last place i'd want to be on my days off would be in another tractor !
  19. every one is critical of their own handiwork mate , i am of my 600 series tractors , but could have sold them a dozen times over at spalding , especially the 699
  20. some heavy duty work going on here ! looking very good indeed will look even better all sprayed up well done chaps
  21. i was quite surprised at how few displays there were compared to toy trac 08 although that said it was nice to be able to walk all around the displays to get a 360 view
  22. whoa gotten uncomfortably off topic \ hey tris that truck looks great pheww saved it
  23. pete you got far too much time on your hands , but ohh look markette's not wearing his bra :D
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