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Everything posted by PDH

  1. Blimey Tris, second mortgage on Sparrick Lane already
  2. Karen at Farmmodels had them for sale http://www.farmmodels.co.uk/
  3. Thanks TT. Wasn't interested in buying it but no doubt someone will.............
  4. Is this a genuine Britains release http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Britains-Massey-Ferguson-135-Tractor-RARE-yellow-w-box_W0QQitemZ380152787438QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN?hash=item5882df31ee&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 I know the tractor was released in yellow in a hanger box and no cab as I have an unboxed one, but was it available in this box and with cab? Any ideas?
  5. Thats the first time I've seen Claas spelt V A L T R A
  6. No. UH, Siku and Schuco are those that do.
  7. Well he has more time on his hands than the rest of us
  8. I'll see you there Nathan. Not been to a Toy Fair for about 3 months so am looking forward to it. Leave us ordinary punters some bargains to find!!
  9. Dohoooo.....forgot about Karen and Steve. Well spotted Marcus. Try here http://www.farmmodels.co.uk/spare-parts-farmmodels.html A simple search on FTF will no doubt bring up loads more!!
  10. You can get some direct from Siku via their online shop - http://www.siku.de/de/shop.html Or contact Henri Walker walkerparts@planet.nl and ask to buy his catalogue. You send him cash through the post for the catalogue and any parts you order. Or buy a model are take them off that...............
  11. I'll see what the local Claas dealer quotes, UK and Europe prices aren't always directly comparable on exchange rate. Need to wait about 3 or 4 weeks for them to be available from Claas UK.
  12. I'm with you Sean. Not sure if there will be a Box Set. The model is far too big a piece of kit as is for me. Will wait and see what the UK price is for a dealer box and then wait for a standard box version at a better price to cut up for a smaller version.
  13. The Claas Volto 1320 T is now listed on the Claas shop website priced at 54.90 Euros. This will be the dealer box version. The box must be huge for this model!
  14. Thanks, next is a Marston silage with the same mods. We'll see what that looks like.
  15. Thanks Pete. I think its a good base for a simple update. Dimensions wise its pretty spot on for a Marston 14 tonner. Britains now do it in so many colours it fits in well with most preferences.
  16. Well it was a long time planning Mark!! Deciding what to change and getting all the angles, lengths etc sorted took a while The drawbar is the third version I built. Proved to be pain getting it to look right behind a tractor. It wasn't until I decided to cut off the moulded axle blocks from the Britains chassis and lower the height that it all came together. Now the prototype is out of the way the other eight for the fleet should be a little easier!
  17. Thanks Sean. Inclined to save on the painting and leave it red and then do something extra to cover the chassis/changes. Need to fit the detailing first but then might have a go at weathering the underside to give it that used look.
  18. Thanks Mark. The wheels are Siku, Brantnor Stabilator #2885. I emailed Siku spares and asked to buy some, they sent a dozen FOC. Then I managed to pick up somemore from Henri Walker. They certainly are a great improvement over the Britains versions.
  19. Two more comparing Britains standard offering with my modified version. As you can see I've managed to drop the overall height quite a bit by cutting off the standard axle blocks and adding new Plastruct ones.
  20. Well we've had a wet weekend and Monday here in Devon so to keep busy I've had a first attempt at pimping a Britain's Marston trailer. Always liked this casting but to my mind has quite a few faults - Drawbar, wheels, chassis height, body locking lugs to name a few. So here's an attempt to address some of the problems! Not finished yet, needs paint, hydrilic lines and a possibly mudflaps and warning stickers. These will have to wait as I've managed to slice my right index figure open on a brand new scapel blade this morning finishing the drawbar. Blood everywhere and it hurts like hell \
  21. Unfortunately the CML website is knackered so can't check if its on there or not. I registered with PES Creation a long time ago and got either an order form emailed to me or one in the post, can remember which, for all the other PES releases. Suppose I'll just have to wait and see. 3000 is a lot!!
  22. Is it only available via PES Creation? If so anyone know how to order one?
  23. Nice comparison Gav. My Amazone hasn't even had the box opened yet!
  24. Really depends on what you are looking for...for display cabinet the UH are top notch but fragile, these are good for a layout or carpet farming. The trailed Commander will live on my layout when its finished, the UH Amazone is far too fragile and a little to Continental for me.
  25. Last one of the Commander
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