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Everything posted by harvey123

  1. thanks for that wer'e going down for one of the track days to give the range rover a real test (legally)
  2. today me and a few freinds went down to olton park in cheshire to watch the british super bikes and what a scortcher it was aswell
  3. bash on marky! so whats next on your ever growing list of wanted items?
  4. typed my great unclews name into google and found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Kettleborough i new he was a footballer but i was sent a news paper that said he beat arsenal 3-1 all 3 were his goals so i'm taking the paper into school tommorow to show my mates and teachers since none of them believed me when i told them. he also broke his leg 2 weeks before the england manager chose his team so he must of been good at football, he was also on my dads side of the family and now i know where i got my 2 left feet from (cheers mum x)
  5. just been chatting to dad and he says we could make it down but he wouldn't want to go back on the same day so were going to see if i can have the monday morning off school
  6. good good guys i've started my layout for next year! i could of got sorted for this year but this damn thing called school got in the way!
  7. i bet lord f has taken 208 pictures! just a guess mind! oh yes and lord f they are very nice pictures of spalding
  8. now now me lordie stop using excuses
  9. hi i've seen somewhere a fraser 8 ton silage trailer i think? but cant remember where. any help greatly appreciated!
  10. harvey123

    Fendt 828

    there was one at the great yorkshire show which me and my dad had a good drool over !
  11. well it upset me more than annoyed me but, last night my dad was eating an apple and nearly choked himself to death on it :'( he was lying on the floor unconscious with me and my mum putting him in the resusitation and he's alive and well now but today when with mum everyone she's seen that she knows she's told them about what happend and my mums jsut been saying he woud be dead if know one was in but it wasn't that which annoyed me it was just when she was going on and on about it all the time so now i'm in a thourghily bad mood and >
  12. we came from kendal (south of penrith) and there was a caravan site which had been completly destroyed!but i will be going up for definate so i hope to catch up with evryone thats going
  13. school then went with the old lad to look at a 60 plate mf 5480? lord f you would of loved it. all singing all dancing and it was 50k i think? oh oh and it had the dual beacons i'm in love with masseys
  14. he quickly said sorry then whizzed away. well i dont know how sean was with franky(it was franky wasn't it?)but he was very sorry well mothers getting v.i.p treatment at the moment and she is definatly on the mend, she insisted in taking the dog out today
  15. got a phonecall from my mum today, she was in hospital with a few broken ribs and a broken leg/ancle so i asked dchool if i could sign out to go to hospital to see her they said yes sure so i biked 5 miles to get there then when i got there i was sat waiting for my mum in the caffeteria and i got runover by some guy on a electric wheel chair who the stopped on my foot so now i have 3 fractured toes and a broken pinky toe :'( wish i had stopped at school now
  16. that resevoir was it called haweswater with a village submerged in it?
  17. harvey123


    it's nearly out now. it's some relation to raymond curruthers. they're still there with a 13 ton case (my dads) trying to drag it out
  18. well to be honest i didn't put the signature my mate did i just couldn't be botherd changing it ! btw now i know why you love masseys talk about perrrrrrfect i think i'm going red even if dad doesnt \
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