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Posts posted by harvey123

  1. jcb tm310s has arrived with a new albutt buckrake today

    you'll be alright with this then they were pretty good on the pit not as good as the redrock but more reliable

    it's got a set of ag tyres for when needed and is now sitting on a set of industrials so the tyres dont wear as much but she's a good machine, be good for the new pit as we tip in both sides as we have 14 tonners on one side tipping and 16 tonners the other  :P

  2. dad fell unconsious(dont know the right spelling) this morning while going to pick up the 6420s luckily he wasn't driving at the time and was at a burger van in a lay bye when it happend he's in hospital at the minute and consious but the doctors still don't know hw or why it happened so already a brilliant start to 2011 :-\ :'(

    sean i wish the man a speedy recovery ;)

    and steve i also wish the man a speedy recovery  ;)

  3. well as most of you know, im not going to be doing a full layout for toytrac but the scene i am doing is big enough to be a layout due to the size of the buildings

    i am bulding 2 modern potato stores that can hold up to 1000 tonnes each of which in 1/32 are nearly 1 metre long and 50cm wide

    i am only doing 2 as i have not got enough room to build the whole site from work

    ther ed area markes the area i will be building, there needs to be a big yard so i can get the grader in and multiple conveyer belts and tractor trailer combinations

    to join the grader i will be building a miedema:





    hell thats some size jordan  :D

    i better be able to make toytrac now  8)


    Well i've been up in bonnie scotland (inverness to be precise) since wednesday and just come back today  :)

    had a good time skiing apart from one of the party braking there legs today,

    seen DAVIOT FARM SERVICES yard yesterday when we where talking to there manager so we got a tour of there small but tidy yard, then on the way back we stopped off near dumfries to see one of dad's old friends that is now in the forestry side of things!

    now going out for a meal, be back soon 8)

  5. Hi guys i'm not sure weather or not i the new Norscott Challenger is a good idea to buy or not  :-\

    as i'm trying to find something that will comfortably pull my tool carrier but also pull the new gregoire besson ? 8f plough from  U H, as there isn't a New Holland on the market in 1/32 big enough to pull the plough (i dont like the britains t8040 ;) )

    also what is the hitch like on it will it need modifications ?

    any info will be much appreciated  :-*

  6. and wheres the after picture then mate harvey ??? ??? :laugh: :laugh:

    for me, been playing dancing "ford transits" on ice today, in and out of a small village thats got issues with the cable feeding it, some pretty hairy fun but no damageand not got stuck, despite a good 1/4 of a mile down hill then 1/4 a mile  up hillsheet ice covered  lane to get to the place

    well he said he will try the forum after i said he should (he's built a xylon based on his in 1/32)

    i'm not posting the after pics mainly because i cant find the lead for the camera but also because he will when he joins  :P;)

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