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Everything posted by jordantaylor

  1. i got my phone call today telling me to be ready to roll in next week or so, the barley cracking on up this way but think the OSR might just be first. ill get some pics when the combines get going at suckleys. going to be a good harvest this year, weve had plenty of rain and dry weather forecast for next week so will be the final boost for the crops then we will be full swing.
  2. gd gd, ill make sure im driving one of their many deere's when i come, might get some funny looks in one of their new hollands. is she going well the 8430, she is greatly missed but the new 8345r's are going well
  3. forgot to add, its great taking the risks but when you get caught you really will regret it. its like i told my boss i can go lugging spuds but i havent got and im not old enough to take my trailer licence and so i asked if i could go on cultivations instead and he said yes as i dont want a driving ban and he does not want to lose a driver
  4. hmmm got agree with the others tbh, ive waited a while and worked my ass of to get working for big arable boys, i will be driving tractors for 4 months almost and i know it will get boring. i have only taken the job as its the only job i got offered. i almost got a job with pigs and im willing to do any work and then when i take a job with machnery and lots of trctor work people complain that i only do agriculture for that. fair play josh for getting the job but you need experience and certificates to do the work
  5. very nice, theyve done what jcb do to the fasttracs, instead of making a tractor low and long, they have made it very high and short to fit the engine in. that 7280r will have some stick from the new fasttrack aswell as they are the same horsepower and a similar shape and size. will be interesting to compare the machines in technology, handling, comfort ect...
  6. here is my britains john deere 4020 on row crops with a front linkage. there is more to do to it as im adding an artisan linkage to the back and im going to attempt to make oppening doors. i have also gor to add lights, beacons, cb setup. might make some carrot equipment to put on her aswell and then put her in a scene what do you think
  7. i dont know who does the design work for deere but id fire them for that, but then again they would not have been made if deere were not happy with them. i bet they go well though but i must say the bonnet looks high up so if your a midget like me id struggle when servicing it or cleaning/changing filters ect... id need a bloody ladder. the cab looks like there is a tad more room in it. what hp is each model. if the new 6r series is replacing the old 7030 premium series they must be at least 200hp and what about the 7r series,mabee creeping into the low 300hp? anyone know
  8. very nice, two great farms with some real machinery, the combines are probably my favorite, love the well looked after working classic machinery its nice to see farms like this as all i work with is lots of modern kit, i almost miss the days of trundling up and down my uncles fields on the mf 35x turning hay keep the photos coming
  9. 3 very nice tractors, love the 8345rt, what it that hooked up to??
  10. here are some photos from the past few weeks ive taken and some edited photos aswell http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1777415919631.111358.1366357443 - cereals 2010 http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1727263385849.108521.1366357443 - photo edits
  11. nice updates rich, been there plenty of times, the new site is alot better, more room to move about and its closer to where i work, might pop in when im on the road for suckleys lugging, ill drop by as im only going to be driving a few hundred metres away on the bipass
  12. expected yields for wheat are looking ok at the moment at around 3-3.5 ton. the straw will be a problem but rape straw is looking like it will play a big part this year/next year. the OSR looks like it hasnt been effected but these past few weeks we have had just about enough rain to protect us. hoping now to start in about 3 weeks as the rain has delayed spraying. ive got 2 combines to clean and prep for john suckleys as im doing a summer with them from the 1st week of july till the end of october. im going to be grain carting and then going on to cultivations ploughing and some mintill. theyve also said they will show me how to opperate the combine setting up the sieves ect... and some driving.
  13. fair play josh, even ive never been put on the drill before, im working for suckleys through the summer (7000 acres) and all i will be doing is lugging and some subsoiling with a sumo. and possibly some ploughing depending how they are getting on with cultivations. can you opperate a drill or are they teaching you. be great if they do, yould be a good worker for any arable farm
  14. they are good machines josh just dont get too excited and floor it with equipment behind you. they are powerfull machines and a good tractor to work with, plenty of space to move in and a good view from the cab. bit of a pain to hook up to equipment but most sensible owners get cameras fitted to them to make it easier. good luck anyway mate hope it goes well
  15. ok then ill start us off, there are alot of fields of OSR a couple of weeks off being ready, ive seen a few combines out on the road looking very clean and obviously ready to go. ive also seen a few crops of barley well ahead of where they should be. the sprayers from the big arable farms are out in force now spraying crops off and the irrigators are being taken back to yards anybody else this far ahead. ill give it 2-3 weeks until the combines are going here if the weather holds up now
  16. yes they do have a couple of fastracs and many john deeres due to the john deere/JCB dealer being only 1/2 mile down the road. and yes tris there will be plenty of overtime there. and tbh they should stick to there word as said earlier they own all there kit and do everything themselves and so there isnt any chance of your own cheap labour (that can do the job) being put 2nd to a expensive contract worker that doent work for you full time
  17. cheers boys, ill keep you updated on how things go and will get pics of all ares of the farm very true tris but i have been promised machinery work at silage for the dairy and main cereals and spud harvest but the pigs will be my main job. and tere will still be sheds to clean out and with te size of them they must have a small centre pivot loader or small loader tractor for that. i have also been told that i will be replacing an agency worker due to me being able to do more with the certificates i have and with the experience i have they could put me nearly anywhere on the farm if a worker was ill
  18. well i have found a job, well it sort of found me really. i will soon be working at heaths of stockton. it is a mixed farm of pigs, constantly expanding dairy and medium arable (cereals, spuds ect..) my main role will be working with the pigs but when very busy in the harvest and silage i might get some machinery work. im just sorting out getting a look around my new surroundings,what i will be doing and what days/hours ill be working. so ive gone pigs to dairy to arable and now to all 3. should make it more enjoyable
  19. in the land of big arable near me and where i work the average field size is anywhere between 50-90 acres but there some 150 acres and there are around 4 x 200+ i know of. due to there being many old ww2 airports near me there are many big fields by the sides of those and suckleys who ill be working for have perfect triangle shaped field that is 160acres in the middle of 3 runways thats in the shropshire (telford,shrewsbury,oswestry areas)
  20. looking really good tim, getting on well with the layout now, bet you calnt wait to get it finished. keep it up buddy
  21. hi guys, im taking some time off model collecting due to having problems with money (trying to get myself on the road) and im selling some of my models. the first for sale is this new holland and silage bales scene. the tractor will be stuck to the scene and wont be able to be removed unless requested otherwise as it is not yet stuck down. sensible offers please as the mchale bale forks alone cost £35 inbox me if you are interested
  22. it all depends on how fast the silage is coming in and the size of the clamp. we had 14 ton coming every 15-20 mins, this was plenty of time for us to spread the silage through the clamp and give it a good roll. as we filled the clamp more we got both loaders on the clamp one pushing up and rolling the bottom end and the other spreading it and rolling it at the far end. it works well for college and there budget. it also makes use of machinery they own and gives us younger lads a chance to get involved. i mean who would put a 17 year old on a centre pivot loader or 200+ hp tractor and buckrake with only a bit of experience... no one. thats why college can get us involved and doing most of the field work to help us gain experience
  23. a few more and out new manitou and a new JCB which is a demo machine but got to say she was good on the clamp
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