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Everything posted by jordantaylor

  1. so whos going and what day, what day r u going tim, im going on the thursday with my old boss.
  2. they like us to look first more for what we want but if we have no luck then they help us but calnt promise us the work we may have wanted or get the experienc we might have wanted to gain
  3. as nobody has got back to me on part time work through the year i was wondering if anybody on here would kindly take me on for the summer or knew of anybody who would take me on for the summer as part of a work experience placement for my college course. please contact me on jordantitchtaylor@hotmail.co.uk
  4. saw a pottinger chopper on a jd 6930 going up the road today, we have had a bit of rain though so might be leaving it a few days before cutting. i did see a mf135 on a small trailer ligging silage and a 2wd fiat with an 8 ton trailer lugging. and last week i saw a contractors jd 7930 and triple mowers on the road.
  5. yeah woops, i have done plenty of these jobs though, enough tanking to last me a life time
  6. hi guys, im just wondering if anybody knows of any work going in the shropshire area- preferably telford but i will travel to the shrewsbury area aswell. i have experience of working with small scale sheep, intensive pigs, large and small dairy, large and small arable. i have plenty of machinery experience ploughing, bale carting, tanking+injecting slurry ect... i have my loader licence, ATV quad licence and a certificate in welding. and im doing my PA1 and PA2 next year at college. i am now 17 and hoping to be driving in the next few months before harvest always willing to learn more and required by college to get at least 400 hour work experience this summer but im willing to work longer (i did last year) if anybody knows of anywhere please pm me as i can send my cv off to see what is going
  7. cheers guys, ive only just been able to read this as i coldnt get on the forum due to some server error ect.. but im back online now
  8. well i went to a friends farm today and i saw his 14 year old brother opperating a john deere 7830 and front mounted buck rake, just slightly too young i felt and annoyed me as i feel that he was too young and unexperienced to be opperating this kit, rolling the clamp and i think it would be ok but buckraking???
  9. only just seen this topic, not great photos but its my uncles farmhouse
  10. im an ex dairy farmer i worked on a farm with dairy herd of 360 going up to 400 about this time they had 2 self feed silage clamps, no need for a wagon, both silage and maize were in the same clamp, silage bottom, maize put on top so it mixed together when they were eating it. they outwintered heffiers on kale and still do it. they had a 24-48 swingover parlour and a circular collecting yard capable of taking 600. they strip grazed all their paddocks to ensure all grass was eaten and always grazed before or on the 3rd leaf stage to maximize milk yield and get all of the grass nutrients. they used a wagon at silage as the grass they were feeding didnt need to be chopped up by a spfh as the cows were dry all year round
  11. im not giving too much away as these will both be appearing at toytrac but we have the start of a small bale wrapper and the bale grab is now on the bobcat so the john deere can be put on the mchale bale grab
  12. very nice and is one of the first i have seen on two different levels
  13. ive seen them in his video on youtube, look great, and a nice setup
  14. yeah it would look good, will you do any of the grading and store loading equipment like the guy in germany???
  15. hmmm thats given me an idea tris, buy a bag of chocholate drops, paint them ,cover them in fine dirt and stick some green turf on them obviously i wouldnt need a whole bag so id have to eat the rest
  16. here she is with a set of 8 bales and to be fair holds them well, the rams dont seem to be giving way under the weight which is good
  17. cheers tris, i did one a while ago but it was nothing like this. i have wanted to do one for a while of this quality and its only now that ive been able to get hold of the right materials
  18. well here is the progress so far. i have got to this stage in just 20 minutes from scratch but the hardest part will be attaching the forks and i have to tidy it up a bit goes quite well with the john deere and trailer
  19. you have probably seen this in the model farms section but i thought id post it in here aswell as im proud of this conversion it has a loader, beacon, worklights on the front, numberplate and has been weathered what do you guys think
  20. here we have my latest conversion weathered and in a scene. it is a john deere 4020 with loader and muck grab. it also has a beacon, number plate at the rear, extra work lights at the front.
  21. here is a new holland y6020 fetching a big bale of silage
  22. here are a few little scenes i have done what do you think, they will also be appearing at toytrac the first scene is a jd 6930 traveling past a new field of OSR
  23. the de-stoner you should do should be the combi start CS 1500. i say this as it is one of the best destoners and one of the most widely used across the board of potato farmers. oh and good luck for the de-stoner it will be a hard model to build
  24. oh and one other thing , i noticed you have not got the silver plates on the back, look at my photos
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