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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. ;D be careful of your eyes with that! just messing looks well it seems to work well
  2. it looks like a lovely place to live around
  3. there all brilliant, i love the one with the masseys square baling, it looks very realistic
  4. what would happen if one of those donkey yoke's hit a soft spot? would they strain the connection onot the main unit and pull the whole lot off shape or can they be disconnected and reconnected again quickly and easily or what?
  5. i remember something about those grey wheeled 8730s from theis forum prob a few years ago now. not 100% sure but i think it was Goodhead who was after one?? may be wrong on that, anyway i dont think the 8730s with grey wheels were a mistake from my memory
  6. he could be missing some but sometimes they take a couple out or are built with a bit of a gap so as to allow loose sticks or stones etc to become unblocked from the rollers. having the spacing too tight could make it too rigid thus it wouldnt turn properly or could break a disc when somthing gets stuck in them
  7. that massey with butterflys is the job
  8. your doing new holland proud there Mart, i think they would be impressed with your collection
  9. that bagging trailer is a mighty bit of kit
  10. very cool. wud look nice in any display. what would you put onto it usually? the magnum?
  11. I wish I got that but no chance since I always work inside!!!
  12. not great here, i got rained off work
  13. hey Sascha great pictures there are some that really stand out as top claas. I can kinda understand what your saving heres my opinion, ultimately i guess you do have the right to sell the pictures if you want, but up to now everyone here was posting pictures on the forum to show everyone else what was going on in their part of the world. most i think didnt mind if some one else copied their photo. but heres the difference you are doing it for a commercial basis so there is different circumstances involved. posting up the photos in the general boards with writing on the photo does spoil it to a certain degree. how about reducing the amount of photos you post up and leave out the writing, so people can get a taster as to standard and quality of what you have on offer, then in the for sale section you could have an offer of for example 100 pictures for ?x based on particular categories etc. that way like the model builders you are able to advertise by posting up a few examples of pictures of what you have to offer, if someone decides they like what they see they may decide to go ahead and buy some more. alternatively why not make and sell some posters or cerate a calender?? there my opinions Alan
  14. boy uve got some unreal gear there, i think if i was going to rob any one models ud be my target ;D
  15. ya they do seem to perform well mechanically etc. we use ours for baling now and shes perfect for that, we dont really do much cultivation work around here but id imagine thats where these tractors would excel, id like to put our one flat lifting or something to test her out
  16. what size is she? our neighbour had a 8750 a couple years ago in the same claas colour scheme, she looked well hooked up to a herron silage trailer . there a very nice tractor to drive, my boss has an 8550 and with her long wheel base, wheel weights etc she runs lovely and smooth on roads probly just as good as his jd's and they have suspension!!! draw backs to them is they are so long it makes it hard getting in and out of tight places, and they arent really great for trailer work, cos the hitches are located too far back underneath the tractor, so the backwheels getting caught in the draw bar very easily, seriously limiting the lock. but saying that i do like them alot
  17. the valtra and herron look well smart, one of the nicest silage combinations ive seen in a long while
  18. about 2 years ago 3 contractors bought 5 bran new ones, all mtx's two years on and they are all gone, all of them gave trouble with the back ends. its fairly rear i see them any where around here now, one farmer got one this year alright shes fairly small not sure what model exactly but his son was telling me she seems to be doing ok so far but the finishings are poor thats all i know about them
  19. my advice to you martin would be to look at something with less electrics especially since its your first bigish tractor that your thinking of getting, electrical problems with it will be the last thing ull want just starting off. I now your a new holland man and all and as ye know im a mf man but if i was in your position id be looking at something from the jd 6000 series, maybe a 6800 or 6900. they havent much electrics and there quad box gear arrangement is very user friendly, on top of that they have enough hp to handle any typical type of job and even a bit more. they give very little trouble in every department from my experience. they are still pretty expensive for a second hand tractor but thats testament to their quality and i personally would rather pay a little more initially to get a tractor i could depend on. the 3 my boss had last year all had over 8000 hours on them and it was only then that they were starting to show a few small signs of wear and tear. again if you look at these ones though just check the pickup hitches again, they are not as troublesome as the nh one's but at the same time when they start getting older they may need a little bit of attention. there just my opinions on it
  20. hey mart defidently make sure to get some one a mechanic or someone experienced with new hollands to check her out, to me 6900 hours is kinda on the high side but it depends what youll be expecting her to do work wise i soppouse. also from my experience with the 40 series new hollands the gears can be a bit dodgy and on some of them the pick up hitches may need a bit of attention to ensure they lock in properly
  21. thats some line up, id hate to think how much its setbyou back! did you make the massey with the butterfly mowers yourself? shes sweet
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