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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. hey tris, not 100% sure with who yet but John thinks Fredericks would be a good option for me they seem to be running a top job outfit so if i do get to go with them it would be nice. Only problem now is ive kinda got a girl on the scene now too so i guess il just have to wait and see what happens in hte next couple weeks
  2. havent really much pictures taken in the last few weeks but its being a pretty busy season and not without incident. we had a same rubin hired in and after 6 hours on the job it went up in flames it was crap anyway then it got replaced by a same titan which is worse. one of the 6920s's was in a car accident where the car got wrote off thankfully no one was hurt and the tractor was only damaged slightly. A camper van hit the mirror on my 6810 and broke it off and we had two tractors and bale trailers jackknife in high ground that was very wet with all the rain but luckily again theres wasnt much damage done in either incident. Weve picked up quite a few extra pit jobs cos of another contractor selling up and our bailing side of things is going very good with about 5000 extra bales been done already this year compared to all of last year. ive been doing a fair bit of mowing this year and some work on the loading shovel ive got some pictures on my phone that ill throw up when ive time, ive also got the dirt bike thats some crack except ive fallen off it twice already in acrobatic style!! . also it looks like im heading to the US in April to go on the harvest there just have to sign the form now and ill know for sure then if im going or not but id say i will just for a change o ya the contractor near me running the mf 8270 wrote off a butterfly mower when he was traveling along the road and hit a low branch overhanging the road, dont know where the branch came from cos he had been over and back the same stretch of road without incident all summer. anyway it completly destroyed the casting breaking it right off its mounts.
  3. id still go with class, the panels could easily have been made up for a one off, but the cab and back look very class. the guys i was with were in the process of making a 7500 just as i was leaving and to say it quite bluntly there will be alot of differents to the real 7500, or improvements as they call them so something like that could have happened here. the lights under the handrails look kinda like the jd arrangement except they are rectangle
  4. we had one too, went over a ferw times just like that! good wrapper but thats their weak point
  5. defidently claas, what is it with new zealand guys painting their harvesters in case colours, theres at least 3 guys there now who have done it?
  6. ya i was going to but just didnt get a chance to put it in any sooner with work and stuff i was flat out up to today the rain has kinda put us on hold now though not to worry though
  7. thanks for the comments lads, there much appreciated
  8. all up. the trailers will be the next thing to be traded hopefully for next season as theyve been around for a few seasons now
  9. next up is the class 900 a 06 reg and the new shovel. the mowers harvester and loading shovels are all kept on for 3 season before being replaced and the tractors generally stay longer and a picture of the drawing tractors, theres 3 6290's and 2 6190's
  10. heres some pic of my silage outfit, i was hoping to have the big m by now but between the gigs and the reels i havent got around to getiing it yet so my trusty 3690 is flat out trying to mow ahead of the 900. theres a new jcb 416 loading shovel purchased for this year and too clean second hand mf 6190's were picked up when they came up at a bargain price when a nearby farmer decided to restructure his machinery stables. they cut approximately 4500 acres of grass and 400 acres maize. first pics are the 3690 some of ye will have seen her before. the intention was to have her mowing out in front of the baler this year but like i said delays in my big m arriving in the yard have made me have to change that plan
  11. thanks lads. not sure what ill be doing next tris i have the next few months to be thinking about it i soppouse. hey punk you probably wont be able to open some of the earlier ones cos they get deleted after a few months to stop the forum getting clogged up. you should be able to open the later ones though?
  12. aw weel unfortuntaly my time in nz is finished. flying out tonight at 12. it must be one of the best and most friendly places ever though i think its fair to say. might take a couple days off when i get home to relax cos the travelling around over the llast few weeks was tiring to say the least but brilliant. next pictures here will prob be ones of work at home or something not even sure what ill be doing yet when i get back
  13. civilpek

    1st cut

    ;D the doctors prob wouldnt confirm such a disease exists but all silage lovers no it does
  14. civilpek

    1st cut

    thats good hopefully its just confined to the north for now
  15. civilpek

    1st cut

    excellent pics boy, man im starting to feel i may be missing out and am starting to get a bit panicky ;D still hav a couple weeks left here before going home, still though they wont be really starting properly in kerry for another week or two according to my sources. whats it like in the rest of the country are they busy or is it mainly up north so far
  16. lovely picture with the 6810
  17. ;D and my boss had the gaul to ring me today asking me to come home early cos they will be busy from next week on, he said they did one job so far! its away earlier then normal though by the sounds of theing cos usually we didnt move out till mid may and then that was only to a couple jobs before it really got bust at the end of may
  18. lovely pictures as usual martin, looks like nice countryside around there too. when do they usually start harvesting them? around middle/ end of july?
  19. god to see its masseys thats ur tractor of choice... very promising more pics please
  20. may get to see some more so when i get down there in a couple weeks and heres a couple i took last week when mowing some ground of clover, after letting it down for a couple days as it was pretty soft we baled and wrapped it and then washed and blew out the baler and parked it in the shed till next september or october
  21. a couple pics of discing ive been doing over the last few weeks getting maize fields ready for regrassing
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