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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. smashing boy really looks great heres some pics of the back weight block of her since i didnt get around to emailing yet with all my promises actually only have one decent enough one of the weight, had taken more im certain but must have deleted them or something cos i cant find them now
  2. if you knew dirk ud prob be saying hes away in the clouds ;D trust me
  3. thanks mart the older ones are slightly more economical, they usually use al the newer ones for cultivation and stuff while the older ones do the carting so they arent overly taxed there but when you compare what the 270 will use when its carting comparted to the 8940 ud get approximately 1/4 of a day longer from the 8940 id say havent a clue what they are at now, i think it was just two jobs that we finished of sowing or something cos andrew or some guy andrew works in with couldnt get to them quick enough or something after power harrowing. heard they ate some wire with the chopper alrite did a bit of damage and stuff from what the lads said.
  4. thanks tris, some of the parts got delayed in customs by a few weeks so they ran out of time for gettin git finished before the maize so theyll finish it over the winter, ill have to wait for them to send on the pictures. havent long left now roughly 2 weeks or so in hamilton and 3 weeks in the south island then off home.. .that time will fly. i met your boss and his 2 kids and a scotish guy too a couple days after you left, man those kids are a handfull id say hes a pretty sound guy though id say we got some duals for the 5140 from him, and have done a few sowing jobs for him last week too.
  5. haha thanks. well me and the bosses opinions differ slightly they like the older stuff and i like the newer stuff it makes for regular daily debates over lunch or when one thing or another breaks down as to which is better. but saying all that the older yokes arent so bad and some people actually love them
  6. o how things have changed!!! the older magnums might be reliable but they are damn uncomfortable to drive, give me a newer one anyday. saying that though it is some beast to pull, with a full load it would pull up pretty long steep enough hills in top gear............ with a slight run up to them the 270 used have to drop a couple gears tackling the same slopes still though id rather be able to walk after my day
  7. view from inside and the 5140 roller drilling.......... not as nice as the tvt earlier i must say
  8. one of the 270s being filled and the next ones are of the stack tractor. i got to spend a good bit of time stacking mid way through the season cos the usual guy that does it went driving one of the trucks on some of the longer draws from some of the maize blocks further away
  9. another one from the same evening, and one of the 270's
  10. nearing the end of my stay here now, and almost finished the maize too. heres some taken over the last few weeks, first one is of a trailer sinking in the peat, of course i can claim the fame to be the one who got it stuck............. the only trailer to get stuck this season thank you! the second one was taken on the evening of a pretty big lightening storm, there was some serious flashes that ran for ages later on that night but luckily it didnt rain, make things worse the maize was very badly blown over so were working late into the night.
  11. i used work with a cowboy builder when i was about 16, and he used send me off in one of them now and again to bring it onto some ol funny job that he always managed to find. like u said the breaks and steering was cat. his yard is on top of a steep hill with loads of blind bends along a narrow road, going down there was a mission i can tell you, used have to have one arm on the wheel and the other stretched back to 1 of the jacks(was very hard to reach for a small fella ) cos they canted as the make shift breaks if you met something, only problem was i could only manage to get one down at a time so when i contacted the road the whole jcb would lunge straight towards the hitch ;D no wonder the roads at home are crap
  12. great pictures boy quality is top claas. i saw a fire too when i wa sin turangi, they had the helicopters and stuff at it too twas cool of course no camera with me at the time
  13. hey boy thats a great job, from the way u described it earlier i thought it was going to be a disaster but seriously though thats mighty. il have to get weight block sent onto you fast (must resize the pics just wrecked tired now but tomorrow il def do it) i might have to order one from you
  14. they have worked with jd choppers for years, know them well and like their reliability, changing to a different brand would mean they would have to start from scratch getting to know everything about the harvester, build new relationships with dealers etc etc. the reason they change colours is mainly just a form of advertising, when farmers far away from the home area see their gear they usually know straight away who it is cos they have heard about them, and over here contractors advertising themselves is pretty big not like at home
  15. ya had one quick go the other day theres only 2 tractors carting though at the moment so its hard to get the opportunity to get up into it and ya mate there moto is it goes better in red?? well that chopper in those pics has stayed a 6850 but i think the new one will be called a 7550 \ not too sure on that though
  16. new chopper arrived too last week and another ken wooton trailer but they wont be doing anything until they get the ol colour change and a few other modifications
  17. maize harvesting is starting to kick off properly now, have seen quite a few other outfits passing by or chopping over the last few days. heres a couple pics of a job we did yesterday on the peat ground
  18. ;D im trying trust me, it can easily take up to 15mins to put on a trailer somedays? \ thats not very productive considering the pickup takes about 1
  19. man you cant beat the pick up hitches, i havent seen any of them over here yet? but it makes picking up and droping trailers alot more awkard and involves a load of jacking and unjacking then you go to put the pin in but of course its not lined up 100% so you have to get into the tractor again move it slighty and have another go of the pin.............. its a balls, then when you eventually do get a pin in you must put in a bolt and tighten the nut cos which takes another while cos theres no spanners to be found > every chance i get here i try and promote the merits of the pickup hitch to the lads to the response thats only european crap
  20. ;D oooooooo john that sounds delightful
  21. no need to answer that, just been back in your initial post again
  22. cheers mike, those jd's are just claas who did you say made them for you again
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