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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. i run cycle and row, as well as doing weight work.... the only gardening ive ever done is moving 30 tonnes of top soil. by hand.
  2. welcome to FTF, feel free to take anything Marky says with a large pinch of salt enjoy your stay alex
  3. not if ive given myself a hernia this morning bill no!
  4. i think i've either strained my abs or given myself a hernia.... :'( doing my daily workout and had an excruciating pain from my abs while doing incline & elevated pressups, ended up collapsing mid pressup and faceplanting the floor. ouch. annoying because i was starting to get in shape too \
  5. i had something like that once Mike, won a Britains MF2680 and the seller inclosed a note saying please find enclosed also a MF3680 and all my britains spare parts!
  6. currently eyeing up a Series III SWB county station wagon, with a recently rebuilt 2 1/4 diseasal, galvanished chassis & bulk head, fairey freewheeling hubs & overdrive... can't bring myself to flog the c2 to buy it though, so i'm flogging everything else haha!
  7. my thoughts and best wishes to you and your family at this difficult time, stay strong and stay together! much love Seany-boy! Harvey123 i'm my condolences about your poor dog also alex
  8. used to have a few gingernut rangers at my exes dont see them any more though! \ an egg a day from each, they'd eat out of my hand, roam all over and always go to roost on time
  9. looks like you had a great weekend Bill, nice photos!
  10. hope your Grampa gets well soon uni work and revision stopped me going drag racing again today. gutted \
  11. nice find, you know you want to rescue it....
  12. liking the pics. more please!
  13. finished my 1st year of uni, bar a 2000 word essay and 3 exams. aiming at 4, 2:1s to go with my 4 2:1s from january
  14. loving the pictures, keep them coming!
  15. well its 10:14 am on the day of the UK general election, and people have already started making up "political facts" on facebook.... really cheesing me off, as they're not only wrong but they haven't read the relevant part of any parties manifesto....
  16. you rang? being a student, i was going to be poor recession or no. so it's not! although i don't buy that much, and wouldn't even if i had a lot more £, i just buy what i like and that wouldn't increase with deeper pockets
  17. lovely pictures! lovely masseys alex
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