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Posts posted by AlexMF

  1. Nice picture Alex... and some lovely looking legs tractors there buddy  :-[:D :D

    I think I've found my new wallpaper image for this month  ;D:D :D

    The tractor you've pictured is a 'hard nosed' MF35... most probably a 203 model

    As Trissle said... you are looking very dapper mate too... the current Mrs Goon is a very lucky lady mate  :-*:P

    cheers Marky thought you'd know about the mystery massey....

    Looks like a nice little show Al, certainly a nice day out. Is Missus country connected so to speak?

    she's from Victoria, BC canadia land.... her grandparents farmed but she's a city girl..

    Great pictures Goon,

    those charolais look fierce tight!

    There must be good breeders around your area?

    if you say so mate, i'm not very clued up on cows, the rare-breed burgers were very very tasty however!

    Your the next barrymore Goon! ;)

    i'm not quite sure how to take that, but i'll probably take offence.

  2. Aaaaaaand another thing. . ... last picture, bloke in the hat. . . . he's eyeing up your good ladys' legs I do believe. .

    Have to say Master Alex, you're looking rather dapper. . . a day at the races squire? Quick Pimms at the yaught club?  :laugh: :laugh:

    Those Charolais looks stunning, what lovely animals they are.  :)

    oh no hadn't thought that!

    thanks mate, it's just what i was wearing to work on friday so threw it on to try to be a member of the country set!

    the cows were great, a few of my friends were showing.... herefords? i think....  :-[

    Give me a Stella and I'll go and give his knee caps a good bruising!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Aaaaaaand another thing. . ... last picture, bloke in the hat. . . . he's eyeing up your good ladys' legs I do believe. .

    quite possibly, but i'm not unduly concerned, but i'll give you a stella any time buddy  :-*

  3. greetings, went to ashby show today, excellent day out!

    and now for a selection of images....



    cows in the show


    angry looking longhorn bull


    me dressed for work, was whispering in the ears of some farmers i know about harlow bros poultry sheds and some horsey people about stables...


    the missus with her favourite of the vintage tractor line up...


    and the only one she was allowed to sit on!


  4. great news Mandy!

    cute puppy Robbo!

    for me, managed to dodge death/a&e 3 times at work today,

    1. forklift radiator bottom hose let go... oh hi burning antifreeze!

    2. nearly got crushed while trying to band a load of timber (it's like bloody ax men!)

    3. supervisor knocked another pile of wood over with the side loader and i had to dive out of the way.

    also feel less tired than i did yesterday and monday, i think i'm getting fitter!

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