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Everything posted by moogie

  1. Just ordered Davids, Pocket Guide To Britains Model Tractors 1948 - 1998 cant wait! Only down side is that it out of stock at the moment.
  2. Next project, Land leveler. This is as far as i have got. Will get it finished over the weekend.
  3. Most definitely. Will be a 70 - 80's Britains, just havent seen the right one yet.
  4. No. Just money to spend on a new model.
  5. You mean, without a Werthers Original either??
  6. Hey grandpa, tell me that story again about how you had to walk three miles a day in your bare feet, just to get a loaf of bread when you were little, working down the mines pushing the carts.
  7. Younger members?? I turned 41 today!
  8. If you wouldn't mind, that would be great. Still have to buy a donor tractor, so it would save a bit of time and money. Thanks.
  9. If i were to make a Massey Ferguson 595 4X4 what would be the best and easiest front axle to use? The Fiat DT 880 front wheels are about the correct size, would this axle work? I would like the steering to still work than to be fixed. Thanks, Noel.
  10. Got a coat of paint on it, sorry about the colour, stores were running a bit low on paint selection. The rubber strip is 1mm thick and very soft. Cant remember where i got it, but wish i could find some more. makes great scale mud flaps. Well pleased with how it turned out. What could i make next?
  11. I have never tried to scratch build any farm implements before, so i thought i would start of with something small and relativity easy. This is what i have got so far; It isn't based on any make in particular, just made it up as i went along. Hope to get some paint on it today and then fit the rubber strip. Even though it is small i think there is about 4 hours work in it so far. Any comments welcome to what i have made wrong.
  12. What is this wheel melt i keep reading about?
  13. Just received this today. Fairly good condition with just a little paint off the hitch. Always like the Shawnee Poole Dump Trailers but never had one when i was young. Next to get will be a forage harvester and a silage trailer.
  14. You have seen these pic's before, but i thought i would just put them up anyway. A couple of small editions to the collection. 1/72 scale white metal kits. Will keep you's up to date as i get more.
  15. The Brian Norman and Scaledown ones are very nice, not too sure about the price. maybe one day! I think the little blue one i have, is a Cresent Dexta, pity the steering wheel is broken off.
  16. Made a Fordson Dexta? or anyone else.
  17. Yep! that was me, love building the RC rock crawlers. Just about to start my next project, a RC Bruder tractor, but cant make up my mind between a Massey, New holland or a JCB.
  18. All my models are in "used" condition. Never have liked models kept in box's, prefer to have them so that they can be looked at and handled. As for the wallet warnings, im well used to the impact modeling can have, owned my own shop for 4 years.
  19. What forum was that? B.T.W. the Ford is new. I was very disappointed with it, not up to the standards of the old ones. Doesn't even have working steering!
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome. Here are a couple of pictures as requested; This is all that i had left of my boy-hood collection. And my recollection so far.All from the mid 70's to the mid 80's. The Tractors. The machinery. Also won this on ebay last night. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160397647340&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:GB:1123
  21. Hi all, thought i would introduce myself. My name is Noel and i am from a small village called Dromara, which is only a couple of miles from Harry Ferguson's birthplace. Claim to fame time ! My great grandfather was with Harry when he made is first flight across Ballykeel Lough. Back to the mater at hand; I have just recently started to collect old Britains tractors etc, to replace the ones i had as a boy. My little 5 year old girl got some new machinery for Christmas (she is nuts about John Deere's and can tell you every make of tractor on the road) and it sparked up my interest in them again. Not many of my toys survived from when i was small, but i still have my MF 595, Fiat 880 DT, Nordsten seed drill, bale sledge and a green hay trailer. Thanks, Noel.
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