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Tommy Gough

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Posts posted by Tommy Gough

  1. another great edition and well done for going ten years. It must have taken a lot of hard work but it was defiantly worth it. I did enjoy this months fleet profile, along with the story of vicon and the new 'machinery mishaps' feature. It was also good to see the Top Gear Snow-bine and hear a bit about its past. I also enjoyed Andrew Collier's column, especially his reference to the New Holland of 'Fordy'. He does some of our contracting work and defiantly does seem to get stuck more often than normal.

  2. well , I eventually bought a hi spec, i didnt buy the bigger 10.5 cu one instead going for the 8 cu        I only had the 100hp claas i think the 6 cyl 7840 would have managed the 10.5 cu no bother but hey ho deeds done the larger one also had the larger wheels which would have been better really giving me more spreading days without  ground damage

    choice up here for me was between a major, smaller for the same money, fleming ,the guy didnt get back to me with an up to date price though I later found out it would have been a smaller version for the same money, a Marshall which i was told would look shabby sooner than the hi spec due to a better quality paint job  on the hi spec , i don`t know the truth of that one and finally an agrimac which in the end  was more expensive than the hi spec..... but only because I was happy to take the smaller machine  the dealer had available at the old pre increase price...the agrimac was 9 or 9.5 cu  for at the time just a few quid under £4000 .

    it was also about having a close by dealer hence the limit of my search to that amount of makes.. I remain happy with my choice although as I say , today i`d probably have gone for the bigger one therefore its likely it may have been cheaper to buy the agrimac.I`m told the quality of finish is lower on them however.

    We run a Marshall 105 (10.5 cu) and its a great spreader but it is true that the paint job is rubbish. we've had it just over two years and a lot of the paint is flaking off. The actual spreading capabilities are fine though (we run it on a Ford 7610 which is around the recomended hp).

  3. What sort of Class is it and what gearbox is fitted? the only difference i've heard is that the Claas Hexashift is quicker and smoother than the MF Dyna-6.  This conversation is making me hope that i get on my chosen collage course as they have both tractors and I want to find out which is best. :)

  4. im not that silly mate  ;) nahh i was on about deere tractors with a jcb teleporter, you see we had a load of demos back in the summer because our mf 6270 was past its best but he wouldn't get a john deere on demo for some reason

    Ah, fair enough. Maybe it was just me not interpreting what you said properly. Maybe he didnt get a Deere because Massey are soooooo good. ;)

  5. yeah i really liked the jcb but i doubt it, i should think we will get a claas, if i had my way the farm would be all deeres with a jcb telehandler, boss wouldn't even get a deere on demo though  >:(

    Are you refering to a Deere telehandler? If you are the reason he didnt get one on demo is that they aren't made anymore.

  6. A feed lorry driver that delivered top our place today. He managed to block up the blower twice. He also gave it full power straight away which nearly blew the top off of the bin, due to the fact its an older one with no vent. Due to the blockages we have a pile of feed sitting on the floor and have not been able to clean it up due to other commitments. Also worth a note are the ploughmen who drove by this morning with all plough lights blazing away.

  7. tris,one job ive never done, buckraking,why does the tm have no front mudguards? is it anything to do with perhaps the grass ripping them off?also mate,have you got enough aerials on the roof!!!!!!!

    yeah, it stops them getting ripped off. On old new hollands like that you can also move the steps up to stop them getting bent. Did you do that as well Tris?  Oh, and you can never have enough arials

  8. Not much out of the ordinary this morning (school >:(:() but found some old photos this afternoon whilst sorting out an old writing cabinet. I had been told by my dad that his grandad used to have a hereford bull that sat like a dog but i didn't believe it. Found the pictures today and i had to concede defeat. I will hopefully upload them tomorrow, if i get a chance.

  9. and suprisingly alot of the people here dont even bother putting guards on at all, even on some reasonably good tractors

    Thats the same around our area. The contarctors use one but the farmers that do their own dont normally use one.

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