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  • Birthday 03/18/1999

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  1. unless you travel a large distance hauling on the road a fasttrac has no advantage over a 40k or 50k tractor, i was behind a fastrac one day in the village, i was in the 6930 doing 44k, he dissapeared in front of me i thought nothing of it, 5 miles later outside the town i pulled right up behind him at the junction, he had gained nothing once he hit a little traffic, now most hauling here at most would be a 10-20minute trip, with stops in yards to unload/load or fields etc, so at the end of the day would a fastrac gain even one more load in the day? unlikely
  2. and as with the kane the same is currently happening with the tractor, since its announcement our sales have went through the roof!! wile the manufacturers take months to get a model into production its great pr for us!
  3. Heres one to note down, A turbine near here broke down, Gearbox required replacing, no warranty etc. . . Crane cost for 3 days, a staggering £17,000 +Vat However, one day for a lift was beaten by windy weather, crane had to stay another day, not sure on the extra cost on that And the gear box was in the tens of thousands but i cannot quote how much exactly as i cant recal but i will find out Long time to pay the crane nevermind the bloomin cogbox!!!
  4. I dont get why so many people think putting up one of these will make them money, at present without breakdowns, yes, BUT The second the government decides there is plenty of electric being generated and they meet all the "green" energy targets, the tarrifs will be halved, the subsidies will disappear and you will be left with a machine that will cost you money, and on a calm day they COST money as they use electric to keep systems running and cool. if it were me, i'd rent out the plot for a turbine and let one of the big companies take the hit and i'd take the rent easy money . . .
  5. The real trailers i think have 5 stage rams in them but scaling them wouldnt be the easiest
  6. sorted thanks i missed the ones they had 1st time round
  7. Hi guys been hunting a while now i cant seem to get row crops big enough to suit the wiking john deere help appreciated
  8. Gav just out of interest and i know it varies but what kind of £ do walkers pay per ton?
  9. Considering there are new designs of the trailers to be launched soon i'd hold yer horseys
  10. neat just got it
  11. Anyone use or know of any good farm related apps? not the games but more business usefull apps
  12. i can get a 16tonne ram made by www.ramko.co.uk cat3 ends and check valves etc. ..less than £200
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