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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Steady sales Bill but the majority are railway folk there. The couple took a mag as they had a friend back up in Aberdeen who is a serious model tractor collector. I didnt catch his name though.
  2. Been to Spalding Toy Fair today with a stand. Very very quiet considering its just before Christmas but the weather I guess is putting people off. Roads were treacherous this morning. Got talking to a nice couple next to me, originally from Aberdeen so that passed the time nicely!
  3. It's a good job we went this weekend really. The EDL are in town next Saturday for a protest. \
  4. Being dragged shopping all day today! It was mayhem in Peterborough. I'm sure parents with the buggys purposely try and tally up how many shins and Achilles they can knacker!
  5. Just a note to say that Spalding Toy Fair is on tomorrow.
  6. Resolved. Sonny must have had an image uploading problem. Ive seen it before on the forum. I will report it and hopefully in the next update, it will be resolved.
  7. If you can link me the topic, I will have a look at it for you.
  8. Now that is interesting Erik. I bet Bill W is not best pleased that is on there!
  9. Thats not good mate, are you going to claim for them (for replacements)?
  10. Snow here in South Lincolnshire this morning. A couple of cm at best. Showers have been passing through since the early hours.
  11. Cheers Mark, Is there any images floating about as we are doing a BFA feature this coming MF issue.
  12. Paul, I removed your last post as it seemed to not register properly with the forum and blanked the whole topic.
  13. UH have sent a message saying hold fire on the prospect of those Case IH Models for the moment. It seems we may not see them any time soon....but I guess we should not rule them out.
  14. Oh Bill, that makes me jealous. Looks like it was a rewarding event for all. Good to see plenty of happy faces in the images. Nice to see the mix of layouts and traders too. I look forward to reading Bills report on it later, and no doubt will speak to Harold later on too.
  15. I wonder how such companies plan for longevity in the market though. There are only so many premier league classic tractors out there. What classic tractor models will we be discussing in say 5 or 10 years time?
  16. Had time to get a few nice items from Zwolle for the collection including: The show model An unusual britains implement as found by Sean! A fairly rare plastic Hausser International Tractor An unusual MF65 by Mercury mounted on a plinth with MF badge Will get some images later on today!
  17. Well just catching up now after getting back around midnight last night. Fantastic weekend, and a great show. Very impressive and a must for any enthusiast really Good to meet a few new faces and talk to existing friends. A bit of a rush for us at the end to get packed up and back to the Tunnel in time, but some excellent driving by Mr Fry saw us there in good time! I think we all enjoyed it a great deal and will be back "for sure".
  18. A fantastic show this year. Thank you David for the images. I managed to get a few early on the sunday before it opened which I will upload tomorrow.
  19. Cheers guys, It was a good day! Not so much when family members decided to embarress me by bringing a cake out to me while on the stand! but all very funny, even if it was on my expense!!
  20. Was down there today setting up. Looks like its going to be a cracker this year!
  21. Rather gusty here this morning. Gales expected later from what the reports are suggesting. A rough 12 hours to come I expect!
  22. I think it was the wrong kind of gravel in the Histon Produce Yard that did it, if I'm honest. I really would like to try one of these legendary bacon doorsteps. Perhaps Dave the Burger Man can be FTF's resident "on tour" Bacon Sandwich supplier. He up for following in convoy to Zwolle and to sit outside Spalding and Toytrac next year? Perhaps he could sent a rep up to Penrith next week too.
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