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Everything posted by Andy

  1. The Gent who bought the prototype green E27N must have really really liked his purchase then At 5 Grand I dont think there was any other option
  2. I wondered how much this would finally go for last night, Its the box with the elusive 171F on that took it so high I think, although I thought that the 171/172 fordsons were in power major boxes and not super major? \ http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6990857870&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
  3. A mint set I think would be worth ?250, Ive seen a few on ebay move for ?150 - 200 but in pretty bashed up condition. It will definitely be a set that will keep increasing in value.
  4. Wasnt aware of the red tracks, very interesting, thanks Ive seen a yellow tracked one but I assume this are replacements
  5. didnt realise they were that pricey! Im sure Ive still got my old international ride on stacked behind our shed, the rats have prob made a god dinner out of it by now though \
  6. Was talking to my local Deere Dealer yesterday and he was telling me how pedal tractors have suddenly rocketed in popularity over the past 12 months and are set to be their best christmas seller. Will any of the parents amongst you be buying pedal tractors this christmas? (for your kids)
  7. Looks like the state of our football pitch the other night
  8. hehe yes, grey black, white, brown, all sorts
  9. I know there are several sites that have been mentioned, but to save time, could we get a list together for the above. I thought it a good idea perhaps to approach some of these to see if they are interested in perhaps helping the forum, in return for them having their banner at the bottom of the page, As more and more of us start venturing into custom models, they could do quite well out of it I thought.
  10. I think there are several, all small modifications.
  11. How much would that set you back?
  12. Only 1500 were made, along with the fastrac and 1cx
  13. Should be getting a 590 in this week so will post pics when it arrives
  14. Can someone please inform me of the cat number of this model Cheers
  15. I once saw a boxed set go for ?60, although dont think they were cheap when released.
  16. Not at the moment unfortunately but.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CORGI-DAVID-BROWN-1412-TRACTOR_W0QQitemZ6991418638QQcategoryZ56317QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Im sure this set was only released for about a year (2000). Dont see too many about, I like the mud effect, shame about the green!!
  18. Yeh, its been sitting in a draw for a couple of years, My Dad must have picked it up from somewhere
  19. Ahh I see! Hmm, Ill put a few questions to the SMF chiefs
  20. Fits Britains implements so I am assuming the model is 1/32. Not sure if this has been posted before, here it is anyway!
  21. Bill Any news on the next 1/32 precision model? Thanks Andy
  22. I think ownership and management had a lot to do with it, People at the top were not investing in new models, didnt really know what they were doing, siku catches up, overtakes them, Britains start losing money hence they cant afford to invest in vast amounts of new toolings and find themselves plumetting fast. I think if they had the money we would have seen many new fresh models a couple of years back but as they were so close to collaspe, it has had to be a slow gradual process to restore the brand.
  23. I think we can only answer this question this time next year. Britains have an array of exciting and innovating releases coming up for 2006 that reflect the transition from the bad days of 2000/2001/2002/2003/2004 to meet the demands of the common marketplace today. Although with the Simba Solo, the JD mower, the Keenan Feeder, the CNH foragers and the JD8430T, we have seen a big improvement.
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