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Everything posted by modelfarmer2010

  1. Well the boys made a start on the timber yesterday and there was no stopping bob with the chainsaw..one of the boys had do take it off him after a few minutes cause he wanted to cut up the load of timber into firewood...that bob.... http://
  2. Well the cow was taken off to the factory and the farmer got a good enough price for her..the boys got the timber loaded up again and made it back to the farmyard but with a different driver this time tho..john got on the phone straight away for some help to unload http:// On came the neighbour with his jcb to help the farmer again...he could be sorry he turned up . . . http:// John still on the phone while the load of timber nearly hits him across the head.. http://
  3. He said he may be going too fast around the bend and the single wheel just couldn't take the weight http:// Farmer and the boys arrive on the scene..one of his best cows trapped under the timber with a broken leg http:// The MF is called in to lift her away
  4. Well john is on his way back with first load of timber,hardware store hadn't enough in stock but he brought on what they had...will he make it back to the farm tho with that big load and a missing wheel??what do you think?? http:// http:// http://
  5. Farmer said he better make a start on putting the roof on the shed so out came the john deere and trailer..he sent john off to the hardware store for the timber http:// just like some of the trailers you'd see on farms it was missing one wheel,bob got a puncture during the summer and took off wheel but never got it fixed.. . .just hope he won't meet the cops on the road http:// http://
  6. Automatic scraper went in first thing this morning farmer and john arrived to have a look http:// http://
  7. Farmer had to head off and buy a pallet of cattle nuts for his stock..took few photos of his nice jeep he hit a few things with it over the years but he says they hit him tho..glass broken in the windows but didn't replace them he just covered them over with some fertilizer bags..big day ahead tomorrow the automatic scrapers are coming http:// http://
  8. Cow mats in place and looking ok should have shed ready in plenty time for the winter http:// Farmer has some of his cattle in this week cause he ran outa grass so had to open up few bales for them http:// Few machines using new shed for few days while they wait for more 2nd cuts http://
  9. Ambulance came flying into the farmyard skidded on some cow sh#t and ploughed straight into the farmers new shed oil everywhere..farmer rushed over for a look and see how much damage was done and how much would this day cost him...just another day on the farm... http://
  10. http:// The farmer brought back a old friend of the farm to help out putting in the cow mats...well he was made bring him back cause it turned out Bob (chainsaw Bob) is his brother in law..he wasn't working a hour and slipped off the concrete slab and it looks like he hurt his head.. http:// http:// Ambulance got delayed with finbar and the boys drawing bales but should be on any minute http://
  11. There is a delay in getting the double cublicles....the boys who were making them wanted more money for the job they said the price of steel has gone up since they priced the job...you nearly know the rest of the story . . . of course the farmer wasn't going to pay extra and he told them to f#># ### etc. . etc..so he is waiting for the new guys to make them now so he ordered the cow mats while he was waiting for them..few photos of the boys unloading them
  12. There is a delay in getting the double cublicles....the boys who were making them wanted more money for the job they said the price of steel has gone up since they priced the job...you nearly know the rest of the story . . . of course the farmer wasn't going to pay extra and he told them to f#># ### etc. . etc..so he is waiting for the new guys to make them now so he ordered the cow mats while he was waiting for them..few photos of the boys unloading them
  13. made up one alright its shown it post 72 on page 4. .I've all the barriers finished onto cublicles now
  14. After a break of a month i started back workin on the shed today for a hour.Got the 1st double cublicle made into the shape i want all i have to do now is make another 20 more . . .
  15. Got my last barrier soldered up and painted too so all in place now
  16. thanks.. must put up photos of how I made the single cublicles too and how i'm going to make the double cublicles.. soldering is kinda easy enough once you have a good solder gun..i use a gas solder gun
  17. it sure does and i hope i won't be making them for a long time again cause they take days to make them barriers
  18. Got going again today on the last of my barriers so i took a photo of the jig i used for soldering them together Put the 4th barrier in place but ran outa solder to finish the 5th barrier..the boys came on to have a look without bob and his chainsaw
  19. Made a start on the 4th and 5th barrier and took a few photos of how i make the shape for the barrier using a piece of wood cut to the shape i need and put in a vice..hope these few photos might help somebody..
  20. sorry i don't sell any gates etc. only make them for my own layout
  21. They take a few hours to do alright..i made up a few boards(i call them jigs) for making barriers to get each one the same shape ..i'll post pictures of them this evening
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