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Everything posted by modelfarmer2010

  1. thanks max..the wire I used for the lagoon is wire mesh from a hardware store its used by plasters...I am thinking I will prob put in a lely Astronaut for milking in the new shed....I will be making a mobile Dairymaster parlour for the rented farm
  2. Farmer had to head off and buy few more poles and put them in himself this time and some wire too to keep the bulls in ">http:// Farmer got wire put up around the slurry pit too to stop the cattle from falling in and before he put on the gate they said they would spread a few loads.. ">http:// ">http://http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/modelfarmer2010/media/DSCF6485_zpse85fa110.jpg.html'>
  3. Got boards in place for next part of my layout today...the board where the jcb and meal bin are is the next part of the shed board is 900mm x 750mm making the shed nearly 6 ft long..shed with include milking area,more space for cublicles for the dairy cows and a area for loose calf pins.. http:// The board with the drill on it with be my field full of hills ect..the grey board with the tractors on it is the new farm road for the cows..i've put the first stone in place for my first hill and will slope the field back from the top of it... http:// photo of the stone in place facing the cattle road.. http://
  4. thanks paul..1st part of shed nearly done now and going to spend some time on few fields etc . . . sure you need to have a bob on the farm to have a laugh along the way..
  5. With all the changes in the farm layout some fencing has to be done..farmer hasn't time today he's off xmas shopping with the wife..the mother and the mother in law.....so he shows bob and the boys what to do.... http:// Bob wasn't in the form for drivin poles with a sledge today so he said he would use the jcb......if only he knew how to drive it.... http:// not one pole could he do right... what a waste of poles.... http://
  6. And on comes the farmer with his latest toy...he can't wait to try it out ">http:// ">http:// ">http://http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/modelfarmer2010/media/DSCF6469_zps5db067d4.jpg.html'>
  7. Well the lagoon is back again but no safety wire fitted yet so the father in law better stay backhttp:// The farmer got the tank in the new shed to come out into farmyard and put one slat outside for mixing with his new Redrock slurry pump http://
  8. thanks ol..the workers are still lookin into the hole & think the slurry lagoon has gone all the way down to New Zealand..any sign of it there??
  9. Started work on putting shed in place on the layout this weekend..my layout is lifted off the ground by 30 inchs and made up of 2 foot boards on top..had to take out few of the 2 foot boards and cut them to fit shed in..the brown board shown with the drill etc on it is the space i have for building the rest of the shed.. http:// http:// All the workers look on to see where did the slurry lagoon go..i had to take it out and change it around so it will be back in a few hours/days http://
  10. Farmer got his window fixed for the winter ahead....the cheapest way of course ">http://http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/modelfarmer2010/media/DSCF6466_zpsf0a469fb.jpg.html'>
  11. Door fitted and farmer on to check it out   http://   http://
  12. that's some big shed you building there..like the way you put the barriers in place with the u channel and you have plenty help on the farm
  13. Looking for lights for inside of shed...have ye names of any website I could find them on??
  14. Got sheeting up on the end this evening and only have enough to make the door so must order more from mandy later ">http://http://
  15. thanks matthew..all the hard work is paying off at last
  16. Got first side of shed done over weekend ">http:// ">http:// ">http://http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/modelfarmer2010/media/DSCF6451_zps29487d83.jpg.html'>
  17. This farmer doesn't know what a no claims bonus is with so many accidents happening
  18. The boys made a start on putting on the sheeting on the side of the shed yesterday http:// And then disaster struck again..the boys forgot the wind was too strong for sheeting and . . . . . . . http:// All the farmer can do is look..if only he had the jeep insured..... http://
  19. thanks..yes somebody is missing a tooth brush tonight
  20. Farmer bought a back scrather for his cows for the new shed http:// His father in law didn't agree with that type of thing for the cows...he said they didn't have them in his days and twas a pure waste of money http:// Ten minutes later and he was using it himself http://
  21. thanks for all the good feedback it makes it all worth while..didn't get copper for cublicles yet so will do few more jobs til then..thanks again
  22. Diet feeder in use too... http:// http:// http://
  23. Got last of the slats cut and put in place..weathering done too..few more photos
  24. I only bought diet feeder few weeks ago so must drive it into shed and see what it looks like. . sure i only gave them few bales til the pit was opened
  25. same story with me..says the website is unsafe and don't log in
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