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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Thats one thing I don't think we will have a problem with with Standen's, they have been aware of an issue with premature web wear so by their own admission this should be covered under warranty. We've not had any problems with the other couple of claims we've had on it this spring related to wear on the webs.
  2. We would normally hope for at least two seasons but preferably three out of webs on the destoner
  3. Well we finally got destoning again today, its a bit wet still which I think may have been the final straw for tonights breakage. I was making my way across the field at a steady 2.5kph when the slip clutch went off and the front two webs stopped, after a bit of digging out it was easy to see what the cause was.........the badly worn front web had snapped under the strain. Its an area of wear that Standens are looking into as something is wrong with the webs for them to wear this fast so hopefully its a warranty job. Standens will be with us at 7am in the morning with a new web, new sprockets and new clutch plates just in case they are too burnt.
  4. I think we'd try to get them in asap into June as we have the seed here and that isn't cheap to buy. I think there's some pictures in this topic somewhere Chris if not I'll get some next time I go ploughing, its not everyday you see 167hp tractor ploughing on row crop wheels thats for certain
  5. Its lucky that we don't operate on the same potato establishment as yourselves Niels as with how our weathers been over here the potatoes would be through before ridging with that machine could take place this year. Its only really dried out this week and all of ours are now poking through in various places. Always good to see how things are done in other countries though.
  6. Sensibly the end of May Sean otherwise it makes harvesting too late. I think you'll find that there are a few down your way still struggling to get them in as its certainly not a problem localised to this part of the country when you speak to people and look on other forums. To be fair to that tractor at 8000 hrs you come to expect the odd problem but our only concern is that they may have been removed by the previous owner to hide the fact that the tractor was running hot when working hard.
  7. Between 28 and 30 acres Niels, we had a look this lunchtime but its still too wet at the moment, hopefully have a go tomorrow. Unfortunately the 6910 has thrown a spanner in the works now as it had a small waterleak yesterday which upon investigation today turned out to be a split the full width of it so its now in pieces awaiting a new radiator......and two thermostats as we found they had been removed when we went to change them today we're now wondering why No GPS on the farm Chris so its all down to me. We've had a couple of light showers today and its trying again at the moment. We only need 4 days to get everything wrapped up here now but as myself and the Standen engineer were saying today, you can usually guarantee that a wet planting season means a wet harvesting season when it comes to potatoes, 2008 is a good example to use.
  8. Funny you should say that Barry but I actually picked our oldest irrigator up from the dealers today where its had a major overhaul. I ploughed our last remaining bit of potato land yesterday as its the only way we think it'll get the air into it to dry it out, not ideal ploughing 14 inches deep on rowcrop wheels but needs must. Turned out wet but still drier than we expected it to....... It had dried out enough to start ridging up by this afternoon, managed to get a couple of acres done then this happened.........
  9. From what the guys said Chris they are going to be there for a great proportion of the night power floating the floor, got their mobile lighting gantries there ready to fire up already. It's more likely to be deer prints about this way. All our rape is looking well considering its a variety a lot of people have had problems with, we seem to be an exception to that though given its yield last year and its looks so far this year
  10. Well after a wait of several weeks the concreting boys turned up today to do the floor on the new store, as I'm on holiday this week I was only alerted to their presense by the sheer number of cement lorries going past my house. Despite the fact that I'm on holiday I thought I'd just slip down to the yard this afternoon and have a look at what was going on and get some pictures for you bunch of misfits and wierdo's on here
  11. With a missus like that you don't need enemies Chris ;D In all seriousness though its interesting to see whats involved in the loading and unloading of carg planes and the inner workings of them
  12. I should have added to my previous post that if anyone on here would say that sort of thing it would have been Barry, he's just plain mean and nasty at times ;D
  13. Now thats just plain mean, I'd never say something as mean and nasty as that to anyone.......... :ha ha!:
  14. Well you certainly have a face suited for radio Chris, can see why they put it on after the 9pm watershed now :ha ha!: :ha ha!: I always find it interesting to watch programs like this though just to see what happens in airports. on planes and the like
  15. Gav836


    We're actually planting more potatoes this year to be able to fill the new store up (which is 4 weeks behind schedule due to the rain!) but have dropped the carrots this year, neighbours seem to be growing as many as usual as well.
  16. Gav836


    We have 28-30 acres to get in, all whites for Walkers Crisps whereas one neighbour has around 500 acres and the other 140.
  17. A phonecall from Mum to tell me that my aunt who's been in hospital for the past 6 weeks after being diagnosed with cancer has been sent home today and told to make the most of the time she has left as there's nothing they can do for her due to the location of the tumour, the doctors have estimated that she has about 4 weeks. Just to make the situation worse for our family its 14 years ago this Friday since my Dad died of cancer, this is his sister, his other sister also died of cancer a couple of years after my Dad so this time its really hitting our family hard, particulary my uncle, Dad's brother.
  18. Gav836


    Maize is the least of our worries or any of our neighbours at the moment as two of them and ourselves still have potatoes to get in. One of our other neighbours drilled some maize on Wednesday but that was straight into stubble as he uses a strip tilling machine
  19. Due to the lovely weather (again) I've spent the best part of the day fitting a new set of track rod bushes, seals and pins to our JCB Loadall as when they fitted a new set of tyres to it 2 weeks ago they noticed that there was a large amount of play in them. probably 2mm of wear in the bush and pin but that turned into about 30-40mm of free play in the steering.
  20. Been a while since I updated in here, we haven't done alot since before easter now due to the wet ground conditions. Luckily we only have around 27 acres of potatoes to plant unlike one of our neighbours who still have between 500 and 600 acres remaining. Other than a bit of liquid and solid fertiliser application nothing has been done out of the yard. I was tidying up one of the barns today but had to shunt one of our AS Marston 14t trailers over to get the other one in beside it, however all the main four tractors had something hooked onto them, rather than take something off I decided to use the only other available tractor......don't think it'd handle it loaded or tip it though :D
  21. The largest spanner in my toolbox.............. ................is usually my boss when he goes rooting through it looking to borrow something without asking :ha ha!:
  22. A small 46mm x 50mm Britool spanner, brand new @ only £5.70 as mentioned elsewhere on here
  23. Winning a brand new Britool 46mm x 50mm spanner on ebay for the grand sum of £5.70......price in the shops is £70+ so even with the postage I've saved at least £55
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