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Everything posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. Carpet farming at its best Alex keep it coming
  2. That old shed is very good, something you'd find on most farms
  3. Very well planed shed, some excellent kit you have about you too
  4. Really coming on leaps and bounds now Alex
  5. Scaffolding would be more of the worry. When my dad was young he was working on a house on scaffolding when lightning struck, went straight for the scaffolding and blew a hole in the house I believe. Put it this way, me dads been terrified of lightning ever since.
  6. Very good I hope there's nothing too wrong with the scania
  7. Too Much! There's five silage trailers, 2 NC, 2 Baileys and a Staines, The Scania and livestock trailer, the Volvo Hay wagon, a Volvo FH12, a county conversion, a heath bale chaser, a ryetec firewood processor, 3 log splitters a Polaris 850, a Roadless land rover, a trailed band saw mill, two toppers, a Land rover 110, two Ifor Williams P6 livestock trailers and a Britain's truck that will become part of the drag for the hay truck and a horsebox.
  8. Messing around with these two Burrell 3" engines A chap who lives local's And ours, never got round to getting a picture of ours today or of both together but never mind. A very fun day indeed
  9. Really is a grand layout you have absolutely love the quarry
  10. Just cracking an excellent attention to detail really bringing your farm alive
  11. That shed's coming along very well indeed
  12. I don't suppose by the off chance Paul that any of hamleys trucks were there and that you got any pictures of them ? Looks like it was a good show with grand weather and plenty to see
  13. Really sorry to hear that, my deepest sympathy to you and your family
  14. Neither do I but I'd be escorting him of the premises, Quickly Really Great work, The wooden H/I beams are very effective, you can't tell the difference between them and plastic ones
  15. Looks great looking forward to seeing more and Scania really is the only way to go
  16. How did they recover it then ?? Did the just push it down the hill ?
  17. I'm not sure but a Google reveals that IMT made tractors to a licensed Massey Ferguson design in Serbia so I think there just a company that gained the license from MF and made cheap versions for importing or other things of the like. Probably totally wrong but I'm sure someone will know
  18. Someone had Lady Luck on their side that day extremely lucky to escape that without injury
  19. This is really coming along now All the little details bring it to life, I love it
  20. Yes I know what you mean, my brothers been selling of some stuff on eBay, he went to the post office and had to come home and rewrap a load of parcels to make them fit as it was so expensive. Its cheeky that they've done it over night with little notice aswell. There were lots of people taking parcels back home to wrap that day apparently
  21. I saw that fly over my house at about half three this afternoon an amazing machine that makes a brilliant noise
  22. More snow and there's only millimetres were the winds blown the snow away but there's three foot drifts in other places. The winds been blowing the snow that much all of this got through a closed garage door. Finally there's even enough snow to ski- In 1/50th that is. Had the Pisten Bully grooming out on the drifts
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