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Everything posted by catkom3

  1. Could be a wee bit tight Paul 460 miles from Middle Wallop to Perth,Doubt they carry that much fuel,Reckon these guy's probably came from Leuchars,Technically closed now but on standby as Lossiemouth is closed for runway repairs,Typhoons were scrambled from there just last week to chase a Bear, https://www.fifetoday.co.uk/news/people/typhoons-scrambled-leuchars-third-time-six-days-intercept-russian-aircraft-2975965 Regards Joe.
  2. Apache's eh,Never seen any around here before,There were two of them at that moment they were very close to Perth city and Friarton bridge I don't know if they went over that,Or UNDER,??,on this photo of the area,I was sitting bottom right marked " The Farm house " the combine was just passing the mark, " The Blue sign " the two choppers were just in between the blue M90 sign is the Friarton bridge, PS click on the Apache image twice I think,you'll get a full size image you can see a heat haze from the engines,?? Regards Joe,
  3. I'll just call this one Combine at traffic light's as you do,I saw him about twenty minutes earlier heading South on the A90 dual carriageway,But I could also heard helicopters coming,Talk about tree top,??? Regards Joe.
  4. Also saw three Grimme self propelled potato harvesters,Never seen so many before,I also noticed a trailed one in one of the photo's, Regards Joe,
  5. Eight,? I tried uploading these in order,The Forum entered them in reverse,I entered them in reverse the Forum entered them randomly,No point trying to demonstrate a tricky crossing with random photo's,Hence the eight separate entries. Regards, Joe
  6. Tricky business crossing from one side of the road to the other when there are two electric poles blocking the way,But he made it, Regards Joe,
  7. Photo's of the New Lexion 7700 I thought I had deleted,And posted in wrong section. Regards Joe.
  8. Yes,just noticed that earlier but was in a bit of a quandary,Do I re-post them before or after the post has been moved,what should I do,?? Regards Joe.
  9. Getting some decent photo's of a new Claas Lexion 7700 with what I thought was a 40ft header,But deleting them before I had saved them,Gutted, Regards Joe.
  10. Getting some decent photo's of a new Claas Lexion 7700 with what I thought was a 40ft header, Regards Joe.
  11. Cheers Justin,Figured it was probably a Cessna,Didn't expect the US Army markings though,No US bases around here, Regards Joe.
  12. No combines today,But I did see the Xerion with what I reckon to be a Watkin's Quad Till on the back,As I took these a light aircraft flew overhead so I grabbed the chance to photograph a slightly faster moving object,I was a wee bit surprised when I uploaded it to my PC,a bit unusual around here,?? Regards Joe.
  13. Alex busy with the 550 Quad and Top Down,Winter Barley maybe, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNulRWRinT8&feature=youtu.be Regards Joe.
  14. Almost forgot,Finally caught up with this Old Lady,Shame she wasn't working,But things were a bit damp. Regards Joe.
  15. Caught some of the guy's in action yesterday,Findlay just finishing this field before moveing to the next which was VERY dusty,I shot off in front hopeing to make a short video of him roading the 780,I did catch Allan with the header,But when he returned without having passed me I moved to find the combine which had been tracked across a farm track,When you see the angle behind the 7210 that might explain why, Regards Joe.
  16. Went out today hopeing to catch Hay's Farm running three 780's,Because I know they are useing three at the moment,But when I literally ran into Allan carting with his 8330 he told me there was one one working nearby,The other two were eight miles away,I made a little video,never tried that before,Hope it works, It didn't, Now it will, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FegF9QVrkeQ Regards Joe.
  17. Going by a close look at those tyres It seems to do a lot of road work, Regards Joe.
  18. As far as I can discover these Fendt's were what the German's call the Fendt Einmannsytem and came in various set up's,And still seem to be available,my limited knowledge of German would suggest One Man System,Quite a feat in the early years having one man one tractor doing more than one job. https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&sxsrf=ALeKk01Q-wk9Gk9u9QWZwGTToLtGT684gQ:1599223308581&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=Fendt+Einmannsystem&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjryOWJw8_rAhXBGewKHT6QDfYQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1536&bih=726 Regards Joe.
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