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Posts posted by graham

  1. richard i have not seen anymore of them sheep for a long time i also only have three i belive they are britains ,i am sure some one will know on here and tell us if you can still get them . the IBC are wood blocks with plastic wire coating them bay it seems more and more farm liquids are going in them ie chemicals , dairy chemicals, liquid feed, so i had a go at making some. a lot of farm post are treated like this are way so i just put them on the layout i just us black permenant marker to stain bottom of posts. i will try to upload some more pics of the workshop at kestler later having a few probs last night. thanks for looking

  2. been doing a bit more to the farm


    old pole barn with sheep handling race behind


    the ewes are all housed and have started lambing



    this ewe has just lambed putting her in mothering pen with her twins


    the wife has her overalls on and is feeding the rolled barley mix using old hydralic oil barrels as buckets


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  3. good to see you have made a start gav [just as the snow comes ] always seem to be doing groundwork when weather is horrid look forward to seeing more , have you got ground to make up or dig out

  4. shame to hear your hard work isnot very rewarding at the moment neils ,is the milk job any better out there neils , nice pics of todays jobs ,different work for the forklift on snow clearing brrrrrrrrrrrr

  5. been doing some concrete frame buildings one cattle yard and a silage barn roof purlins lift out on both buildings ,got to build a feed fence in the cattle yard ,got somee old strip lights in one building but they are not used any more bulbs kept smashing and bits of glass ended up in cattle beds but back in the eighties these were the lighting to have







    the contractor has turned up to spray some weeds in the grass the mild weather has kept the grass growing this year

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