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Posts posted by graham

  1. thanks for replys no glazing pete at moment , sorry you have aged a bit tris but could not find a young looking chap so you had to be that old looking fella ;)  as for you marcus wheels on wheels of you as well steve wheels on wheels of ,need to find some in between then  ;)  they was a good machine wasnt they FNHIR

  2. nice to drive down the 303 through there some lovely ground and long pulls . think it was at chicklade there was a house with all different car wheel trims on the cable end back in the eighties strange what people collect  ;)

  3. did you work there mark .is the office just there to mark alongside 303. what i remember is a track leading up to a range of old buildings and liquid fert tank up there looks a nice place ,velcourt like them quadtracs dont they a few they run down this way

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