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About stu1818

  • Birthday 05/23/1975

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  1. his website was last updated on the 12th june. (have a look in the european photos section (germany, france, brussels etc)). I'm Guessing hes on holiday in mainland europe for a while. when you goto his site, click home, then click on the last updated link in the middle of the page
  2. Both my dad and me collect brochures/leaflets, i have quite a collection back in the uk. A few years ago my dad sorted out what he wanted to keep and what he wanted to throw out, but his first port of call after he sorted was to a gentleman called stuart gibbard, who came and had a look at what he wanted, took what he wanted for a small fee, and dad binned the rest.
  3. the last time i went to the lincolnshire show, it cost a fortune to get in, and once inside it was like a glorified car boot sale, agricultural shows have become too commercial these days as FB said agriculture doesnt bring in the people it used to, to these type of shows, so they open them wider, with car dealers, truck companies etc, to draw in a bigger crowd. Trade stands run the shows now, not the machinery dealers/livestock breeders as it used to be
  4. wont let me look all i get is this You are not authorised to view this resource. You need to login. i do not see anywhere i can register, or is it a uk thing? (us ex brits not allowed a lot of places you see, years ago they sent us to Australia for crimes, now we go all on our own)
  5. I also use Macromedia dreamweaver mx2004, very simple program to use once you get the hang of it. I also had a book to help, The complete idiot's guide to creating a webpage. Very useful, taught me how to do HTML, java and various other things. For webhosting i used bravehost http://www.bravenet.com If you don't mind the advertisements (that's what keeps it free) then this is fine for starters, Comes with ftp access to be able to upload your html/css/picture files etc These are a couple of my creations http://stu1818.bravehost.com/site/index.html http://oliverflynn.bravehost.com/oliver/oliver.html
  6. had a good day at work, then get home and the missus says oh you have a dentist appointment in 1 hour (had a dodgy tooth for about 6 mnths but thats bar the point), so off i go to the dentist, dentist looks at it and says ahh its an impacted wisdom tooth, will need surgery. so half hour later im minus 1 wisdom tooth, have stitches in my gum, wallet is $275 aussie lighter, THEN she gives me a prescription for antibiotics and painkillers, another $42 at the chemist, then missus says pizza for tea, i think yes could do with pizza, get to the pizza shop and she says oh you wont be able to eat it, so her and the kids have pizza and i get yoghurt so all up it was a good day till i got home ha ha! other than that yeah it was good
  7. is that the cooper folding disc harrow but in red?
  8. stu1818

    Massey discs

    looking at the dirt on those discs, thats "Boys Land". A good kick with a pair of boots and u have a seedbed ha ha!.
  9. i was 31 (OLD!!!!!!!) on 23rd yes as mjbs mummy said, for those in uk i had been 31 9 hours when the 23rd rolled over for you, for those in eastern usa i had been 31 for 14 hours when 23rd got to you, and western usa about 17 hoursish
  10. First post, Nice collection old ford, reminds me of my first job on the farm when i lived in uk, newest tractor the guy had was a ford 7000 and this was 1996.
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