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Everything posted by batcher

  1. Then sunday thought a day off (rain) then a call at 3pm just havin a nap too some round balin straw had come in 180 bales later just off to another field rain had beeten me to it so at 7pm back to the yard yippee home boss man was waiting got some square wrapping come in .So off i go with xtx 200 and 998 started wrapping at ten 225 bales later at least 3 inch's of rain fell that always fell harder when i was out of the cab which was a lot due too bales sliding off the wrapper being wet and on a fair bank back in the yard 4.30 am Late start service r baler Then back to my trimming till Friday Call at 3pm fri got some r baling come in drop off trimmer on with bailer started at six 320 bales later getting damp 10.30 back in the yard sat all day (groan )xtx185 and 2200 rained off at 7.30 today service all balers sorry if have bored anyone
  2. Or kicking the mud around the yard getting bored .So i thought i might try a diary of what's been going on around these parts and a few pics. I have noticed a lot of new members on ftf lately so perhaps a brief introduction. I work for a bailing contractor running 1 class 2100 1 class 3200 4 class 2200 big balers And my main job is a 435 welgar round baler.We run case 2 mx 135 one with loader 2 magnum 200 1 new puma 180 and the best till last my mxu 135 oh how could i forget the (groan) mickymacs 1 xtx185 1 xtx200 and a new jcb 310s 1 hs200 round wrapper 1 998 square wrapper both of mc hale fame plus we hire out bunning poo spreaders which also gives us work mowers are all kuhn 1 3mtr front 1 rear 6 mtr 1 3mtr 1 4 mtr plus a few other bits and pieces . So far this year i have round baled 1400 to date unfortunately most of the straw is being chopped because of the weather But we are slowly knocking up a few on the big balers This last week has been a busy one for me choppin and changing like the weather last saturday started of round baling silage 700 of them then onto the wrapper he took my rig back to the yard so he could get off with a 2200 chasing some straw then i joined him with the puma( first drive) with a 2200 good wind blowing in the second pic
  3. That one was my boss's brothers Now he runs a big cat
  4. batcher

    tractor hours

    Just a little update Mainly because of the reliability of the mxu since the last post i have been drilling elephant grass/mowing/raking tedding and a lot of round bales about 8800 so far But i did have one major prob leaking a lot of backend oil but 10ps worth of o ring put her right ::)Just done the 3000 hr service .When i dropped the engine oil i had a sudden thought i never needed too add any oil since the last service .Then thought i have never added any water in 14 months of using her (prehaps i'm not using her anough)
  5. batcher

    puma 180

    The puma has replaced (now for the cheers) the 7210 She is not a multicontroler .Her main dutys are the triple mowers class 2200 or the new 3200 quad balers and every other job going as a write this she is on bale cart Have said i would look good on my trimmer
  6. I am hopeing tris may have more details of the show We turned up just as these were parking up But we did see a pile of flat cars
  7. Sorry don't remember what the event was But they did a tribute to mf 25 years with the help of a local dealer listers It was a very nice site seeing them parade around the ring
  8. Found the camara and fitted it in the tractor just need to make a plate for the camara to look out the back a little better good picture of the door and spring
  9. batcher

    puma 180

    Don't spect i'll drive her till the winter will try to get more of her in action when it stops raining
  10. batcher

    puma 180

    Well she turned up at long last worth the wait she is some beast
  11. We had a mchail fusion a few years back good tool when working alright but the reason it went was a fixed chamber at four foot not a lot of good for straw. 8000 bales dosen't seem a lot for a season I did 23000 last year silage/hay/straw hopefully i will get another new welgar 435 next season .We had a lorry load 24 pallets of wrap back in april all gone now half way thro another load going up at an alarming rate (hasen't said how much yet)
  12. Yes again another sensor
  13. We don't on the way out to a job saturday the driver fanced a doughnut from the local esso on the run when he got back in the cab he had lost all gears after two hrs the job got cancelled and i had a three mile trek at 6 mile hr but what am i pulling ? it's sort of red xtx 185 with class 2100 and it was my idea first to take pics
  14. here she was on rake duty to day
  15. The output of combi is very slow changing wrap, wrap breaking alright if i only have up 30 acres a day to do .And if you end up on a slope you have to drop off the wrapper bale and then drop the bailer off and then wrap slows the job down too much .When this last week i have been covering upto 80 odd acres a day getting 70-80 bails an hour out of her in good going plus the wrapper man can do other jobs for an hour or two We have some cameras in the shed just haven;t got around to it yet
  16. First time out for me with the combi did 150 bales lost a couple over the back (right pain to pick up again) till i got used to it But it dosen't help with no camara to see behind .Season has been fairly good so far done 7500 bails and ratteled a fair few acres off but a lot more to do
  17. No problem should be by the weekend
  18. Was looking on the map the other eve in the workshop It's near shaftbury Also tauton was mentioned but i was halfway out the door by then
  19. Found the www site tells you all about it http://www.bical.net/index.php
  20. Tidy job on the clamp building.nice pics again. Could have done with a splash of red in the line up tho
  21. This first bit was a new lay and got 180 bailes of 18 20 acres so a fairly high yield crop quality looks good but then not really seen/done much to compair
  22. And last up the wrapper mchale hs2000 time for a change
  23. Next up the bailer welger 435 front view rear view end result
  24. Well were off first 36 acres to start this chap mows his own and borrows our rake first up the rake think it's ts 115 and class
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