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Everything posted by batcher

  1. Yes come rain or shine downpour's she just keeps going
  2. Picked this up last fri . so thought about time i got her sorted out you may notice the brand new tm but me batts went flat Bit disappointed with the control box Get some more pics when working
  3. They were still in the field when we started
  4. Might be going for bedding there is a shortage of straw round here at the mo
  5. It was combined last year and should have been bailed but there was some problems with the chap that was going to bail it. Then it turned wet so in go the a team
  6. Funny some of the job's we get Good job i finished servicing the bailer the day before At least the bailer worked well and got a shine up before i start silage still got some more to do today hopefully the weather will stay dry for a couple of hours
  7. We ended up spreading some more poo today .Dident get half way through before i got chased by a green thing markin out up and down havin a break
  8. Ransomes 1006 ? 10 ft head . class 10 ft not sure of model no .clayson 1530 12 ft. jd ?with 20 ft head . Drove the last one 20 years ago
  9. Yesterday doing a 80 plus mile round trip to pick up a amazone 4 mtr p/h drill with the puma 155 and lowloader
  10. batcher

    puma 155

    Not gone back yet I just say to myself it's a bigger mxu
  11. batcher

    puma 155

    Had this beast for a few days while the mxu went in for a sevice All i can say (in a child like voice) want want want one
  12. We have 2 mx 135 1 on the loader every year she has a new set of brakes Just put it down to the oil getting hot and warping the discs .the other one no problem at all My mxu 135 has done 2650 hrs with no probs but i have a 50k box so i have front brakes You diden't say what her main jobs are ? Try a puma 155 very nice
  13. Methinks we never put it on heavy enough nice job you did there
  14. batcher

    mx 135

    The next door farm getting on with spring sowing and luckley for me the field goes around our yard
  15. You diden't get me and i had only been up ten mins When i came in from work to look at this post and mine had gone i knew for sure it was april fools nice one spn
  16. That wont be worth a pound a bail Is it wrapped or just bailed to clear so that the pollen and seeds don't get into the engines ?
  17. 15 loads later and in we go then later on it's over the wall you may notice it was rather sloppy thro the mirror trying to be clever (well i could see more that out the back window) Then me batts went flat :'(
  18. Loading out of the lagoon today hopefully kiwinz will post up a couple more and answer any qs on the pit Getting started over we go stretching out
  19. He's famous now Do you know how he got on with the chaser is it still going strong
  20. That's the way to do it Clear some bails in day with these and one man only just click play http://www.bigbalenorth.com/super.asp
  21. Well started early but weather too bad to work so did a few bits a bobs around the house nearly got blown over when i went down the town shopping Then after lunch light the livingroom fire and thought 40 winks would be very nice Phone goes could you deliver some haylige someone has run out and desperate oh okay says me Well 15 miles to pick them up ten miles to unload them and 20 miles home left the yard at 2.30 got back at 8
  22. Chopping maze with a two row header on a nh 719 and pullin the trailer .Ploughing.chain harrowing getting nice straight lines and alternating the headland bouts.And back in the day turning/rowing up with an acrobat .And of course trimming (getting the hang of it now ) anything to do with a tractor really
  23. She's tucked up safe and dry behind a class 2200 welgar 435 and the elephant grass drill
  24. Well it's not your's I think looking at the pics again the p/h are wider than the tractor by a fair bit so at least 4m wide
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