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new holland driver

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Everything posted by new holland driver

  1. havent been to busy tbing the CATTLE AGAIN
  2. looks like they have put some effrot in to this one
  3. the 210 being the one over here i take it verey nice DECENT wheels for a change
  4. to whash the trailer all the tractors were in the shed sand the narsty jd was in the way so i couldnt get to them so i had to my old 8360 out of the weeds she hasnt moved for 3 months
  5. then i had to whash one of my grain trailers a 14 ton marston one of a pair i drive both at the same time durunig harvest
  6. thses are the presses we we shorting the frist one we are adding to to make a 10 ft 6 prees to go behind a 7 furrow fulley mounted the second on is are old one we took 7 rings off as she has had her best and will be used a s spares now
  7. as said above i have been a bit busy got a pic of the 7710 that the boy from the fram we jioning up whit came down in (got to get the muck out the way frist )
  8. at the norfolk show puting the ball on the trafic cone ha ha! got a phone call will runing after the cows to say i had won it made me happy to day i have been adding rings to a double ring press got some pics to put up in a min and i have whased my grain trailer out ha ha! in the rain
  9. been whit the cows tbing them the vet was fit as thoght plus i won 20 pounds to so ant doing bad
  10. i have been busy boy i think ha ha! what you lot all think
  11. i told you you might this wheels off the 9520 soory about pics not good what you all think
  12. i think they would look good toghter ha ha!
  13. verey simple convo got the the wheels goining on to a jcb 416 s the removeable duals will come in as a roll on a clamp me thinks
  14. last but not least a accord 6m some one must make one soon
  15. a better tractor ha ha! and my next project if i get time
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