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Big A

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Everything posted by Big A

  1. some more pics, almost ready to paint these 2. made some slight changes to the 1st one. 2nd one has a shaped headboard, thanks for everyones idea's in the custom tips topic for help making the headboard.
  2. thanks folks, think i will try building up layers. :)
  3. sorry, not very clear. i was hoping to fold the plastic card into a similar shape of a monoque trailer body, like the centre of this trailer. hope this makes sense now. thanks for the idea's already posted.
  4. looking for the simplest way to bend plasticard, tried heating it with a heat gun but it hasnt worked out too well. \
  5. have plans to make one with pma wheels but i havnt ordered them yet.
  6. made this tonight. this one is slightly longer, timber floor, removable front and back ladders. opinions welcome on which is better, this or my previous atempt
  7. this afternoon was going away for cattle feed, renault overheated at the end of the road, changed the thermostat yesterday so something worse must be wrong. :'( decided to take thr 7840 for feed, hooked up the trailer, went to reverse it and the brakes stuck on, bit of maintainance with a hammer and away i went. about a 30 mile round trip for feed and nearly had one hand on horn and the other with extended middle finger the whole way due to the amount of abuse i was getting from other motorists, do these people not realise where their food comes from oh and 2 cars nearly crashed into me as well.
  8. i could be convinced to make another one, see how the finished version of this turns out.
  9. so its offical then i did hear at penrith that it might be cancelled, although i would quite happily drive the extra miles to penrith as it was a cracker of a show which hopefully can only get bigger
  10. the drawbar can be turned for going behind tractor or combine
  11. took the header off the combine the other day, decided it needed a trolley. heres the work so far
  12. we used to be on an hourly contract with the council with their mowers, now we supply everything and its on a price for the whole job, with an hourly rate for any extra work. Average price round this way would be about ?20/hour another tip, beware if you see a new fence because quite often the old one is hiding somewhere >
  13. yesterday we had 3 forklifts and 4 drivers, then today which is the busiest day for taking in items for the sale we had 2 drivers and 3 forklifts. eventully got a 3rd driver who did b***er all all day. the 2 of us that were working got a quick break at 1pm after starting at 7.30am. not very fair me thinks
  14. the numpty that tried to drive up a hill with a fraser trailer on his 6 wheeler, without straping it on, it rolled back and through the headboard of his drag trailer he then told me he is a very good lorry driver \
  15. loads of tractors came in to work today, the one that stands out the most was a brand new Newholland T7050 with new stewart flat trailer
  16. scones were fine, loaf will do tommorow for breakfast, beginning to think theres a food theme last sale someone gave me a plum as a tip.
  17. the tip i got for unloading a lorry at work today, a loaf of bread and a packet of scones most people give cash but i guess this lad was a bit different
  18. my other half telling me shes got a job interview at 1 oclock on friday, we were suppost to be leaving home at 9am to head down the road for our holidays and the lakeland show, looks like its driving in the dark with heavy traffic now >
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