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Big A

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Posts posted by Big A

  1. Been carting straw again, another farmer asked if i could move about 350 bales for him went to start at lunchtime today but the rain last night has mucked up ground conditions, we filled the 2 trailers but could hardly get them out the gate because of them sliding about, :-\  then we had to try tidy up the road after bringing quite alot of mud out on the tyres :'( had to abandon the job after that hopefully dry up in the next few days.  :-\

  2. Cheers mate, yeah there's a few stacks about...... :)

    Didn't make it unfortunately, got up and was ready to go but Dad wasn't feeling well so we weren't able to go...... :'(

    Spotted some of the kit heading down the A90 in the evening though...... :)

    Was it good, certainly looked it from the website......

    yeah it was good loads of kit on show couldn't possibly mention it all, saw the new claas xerion 3300 in action, as well as a couple of cat challengers and i must say the deutz agroton 265 and 180 look the biz :-* they did also have a couple of newholland t8040's in action ;)

  3. i hope both junior's are ok, it just shows kids nowadays have no respect and the parents dont seem to care, we are continuly bothered by kids smashing windows, rolling bales, stealing wheelie bins, trying to burn down outbuildings and lately they have started taking down a stone wall and throwing the stones in the burn, in the field or filling the beast's water trough which stops them getting a drink. we went to the police they are not interessted unless we get proof but we cant take their picture because it breeches their human rights and they could accuse me of being a pedofile, it makes my blood boil >:( >:(. i keep threatning to fill the slurry tanker someday and drive past them and accidently open the back door but no one else will let me.

    anyway today i have spent the day taking the beast's in for the winter.

  4. Me and junior were talking about this on the way home from Spalding yesterday and its about time we had a display was the verdict we came to, Keep your eyes on ebay over the next few weeks as I'm having a clear out to make room for it so anything I'm not too keen on as a model or I have multiples of is going.....

    my guess is that there could be alot of good models up for grabs ;D

  5. does it have the full electric controls or the basic joystick? our bomford has the basic one seems to work fine although its quite slow to lift you need to think ahead  ;) we also have a spearhead again with a joystick it works quite quick but the controls take up a lot of room in the cab.  :(

  6. a whole host of various makes of tractors and trailers at the local grain store, where i had to queue for 2 hours to tip my load, i thought that was bad another driver i know was there for 4 hours yesterday :o

    tractors rangeing from an old case ih 685? with no doors with a wooden marshall trailer to tm 140's with trailers that probably hold 20 tonne plus, fastracs, masseys, and jd's

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