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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Two Claas Dominator conversions waiting to be beaten up and resprayed and done properly A woodchipper awaiting a hopper And my dremel and a bottle of Schloeur
  2. My Nan randomly giving me ?40 Being asked to play for my school in a 7's tournament, which i was kind of expecting anyway but i get to miss 3 periods and its at my school
  3. Excellent yet again Filius, truly superb my friend
  4. Ben your on fire today Some great pics, interesting Gives me some ideas
  5. Um, would be funny of course no injuries or fatalitys. Do we need a whole board for this? Can't we just keep it as a subboard within a board? Or just keep it as a large topic?
  6. Matty, can't you see? He's put a front linkage from a UH model onto a John Deere 6920? And a very fine job hes made of it
  7. Its fine mate, you'll do a better job which is what counts
  8. Ahh veyr nice mate, i was bidding on one of ebay to do a similiar thing, can't wait to see how it tunrs out
  9. Ahh right i get you mate, was a bit confused when i looked at it Looks a strange one, looks too small for a modern machine but too, erm modern for a clasic machine \ And im not a fan of it to be honest \
  10. Excellent pictures Blake, a few questions what is the Claas implement on the back of the MF for? What is the Claas header for which model? Are all MF 5445's that low? Or is thta just got tiny wheels? Cool pictures mate keep up the good work
  11. Ahaha, reminds me of last year an 8 year old with a pole and an 11 year old with a golf club came up to me and wanted my bike, i just put my headphones back in laughed in there face and pushed them out of the way to get through My friend was walking home and another group tried to set his fair on fire so he gave him a punch in the face and legged it
  12. Lost at rugby, had a big argument with my parents, lost two items on ebay in the dying seconds which i really wanted, so if you bidded for them in the last second.. i quite frankly hate you
  13. Hmm good pictures, may i ask for a bit more info about the drill? A new one on me \
  14. Yep at my nearest modelzone there reduced from ?9.99 to ?4.99
  15. Ziko, Ziko, Ziko now i have seen alot of these conversions in the past, alot but i am going to say that is my personal favourite, truly brilliant mate, absoelutly amazing So beautiful with the Joskin trailer, i love it! Kind regards, Nick
  16. Been keeping the what? :o Naughty, naughty young man
  17. Ohh there was plenty of messing about don't you worry just in the day we respected things etc. And yeah its a 1/3 scale of the real tower We didn't stop unfortunaetly but we learnt so much. Im doing it for GSCE, but were not doing WW1 at the moment it just happens they do the trip now
  18. Last night i got back from a school trip over the weekend ( hence my abscence ). I've been staying at Eypres in Belgium from Friday to Saturday, we went to lots of famous WW1 sites such as Essex Farm, Tyncott, German war cemetries, Menin gate etc. Then yesterday we drove to the Somme, went to the Somme, Ulster tower, etc... So was a real eye opener and quite a laugh with my mates at the hostel
  19. I can understand the reason for the price due to casting etc, which is still reasonably cheap for some casted models. I have put possibly, it is an excellent model don't get me wrong but unless i can sort my diorama out something that wouldn't be top priority until the finishing touches. But if i had ?30 going then yes
  20. Looks good Mark, are you sure the doors are big enough? \ Only that, but the sides look great any further pics just ask
  21. I was guna say Simon, how much did that dinky MF cost at the last April show cost? Was more than that for about four times as much model \ ?4.99s a bargain Not quite my cup of tea however
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