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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Mandy i will assure you there is nothing wrong with bright pink with pea green highlights! :D
  2. Well afterschool i went on my new paperound, i've been doing it for about a month but have been moved closer to home. Then and this is cheek .. i was mistaken for a trick or treater I don't look that bad! Then some old woman came out to me and started complaining about how she doesn't get the other local paper which she prefers and how i should phone them and do a double paper round. Hmm... \
  3. Nice one Benny, what a super collection. Can you tell me about the Xerion version one? I know that UH made two Xerions or released two different Xerions, i thought it was packaging problems. Was that the original model? Or did you or someone convert that?
  4. Wow they look awesome, i love the Stewarts trailer range anyway, can't wait to see it painted up
  5. I know i've said already but i just want to show off with these pics: And the kid im tackling left our club for our bitter rivals the whole game he got a good seeing to
  6. I glued my superglue lid to the superglue tube > Now have no superglue Quite funny though :D
  7. Yellow with blue rims Looking awesome by the way Blake
  8. Are you sure you didn't wake up in California Sean
  9. Been quite dull down here, light rain but lots of it. Not too cold, perfect rugby weather
  10. Please do post them mate, never shy away from posting your work. All very tidy conversions, well done
  11. It was a real injury, not a poncy football injury. A genuine back injury, think he went to hospital to get it checked out. And we play 25min halfs but it was just a forward battle really in the middle of the pitch, not much back play just hard hitting in the centre. It was a slow game really both teams cancelled each other out \
  12. Got back to my routine Sunday morning rugby matches, against OG's our biggest rivals. Such a slow game, not on form atall But still got a few hits in so was hitting about 70% \ Final score 5-5, the game was abonded near the end because one of there players was seriously injured with a back injury and we couldn't move him off the pitch \
  13. Some very nice pictures there Volvoman and what a lovely collection. Some very nice pieces, in the first picture with the plough near the front did it come in a set of two ploughs? Would you be selling the collection as a whole or individual pieces?
  14. Ohhh i hate it that theres another ltd. edition but man that is just gorgeous, must get \
  15. Looks good to me, a nice conversion with a nice paint finish Just get it decaled and it will be looking top banana
  16. Thanks guys, where do you pack it Dwain i know your near me? And how is it different what do/did you use?
  17. Nice bananas Will definetly be having one of those MB Tracs :o
  18. Well what can i say that hasn't been said, Graham and Sharon as you've already mentioned are lovely lovely lovely people and Frogshole farm is just genius. That is probably the best diorama im ever likely to see and i take my hat off to you big time. Love the packhouse especially but all the sheds are genius, i like the additions of the chop saws and augers and things it really makes the scene Nice one Graham!
  19. Would have to be a mixed farm in Limousin in France for me, so beautiful out there. In the UK would be either a mixed farm in Dorset or a contractor in Kent
  20. Excellent detailed loader Looks awesome on the mog I like it Got to say i've never see one in real life, do you get many front loaders on Unimogs?
  21. Thanks Mandy Lucky it's infront of my holiday because now i can just chill And follow tractors .. naturally ;)
  22. Pulled a hamstring in rugby training, and then tried running with it shake it off and got a twisted ankle for my troubles, and my knees dodgy aswell \ Not a good training for moi
  23. Wow! Some very nice conversions that are extremely affordable, i think you may be on a winner Paul because they look awesome.
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