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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. I was told by my Mum that i should play rugby today because it's an important match instead of playing rugby, however as soon as i got there i was told that i was playing because i was too big, the other team had brought the wrong age group. Training was pants Wasn't entitled to a free match hot dog Then had to sit in hospital all afternoon with my aunty \ Bit gutted, buts thats life eh \
  2. Oh i didn't know UH was releasing one, i thought the top one was the Siku version. Hmm i prefer the UH one looks more detailed in places. Wish UH were doing the Kuhn style spreader instead of this one however \
  3. Pretty much Mandy, im not sure how much processing or packing or whatever needs to be done on the farm or they may take them straight from the farm to be loaded on a lorry \
  4. There quite an interesting machine, there are loads around here \ Im not quite sure Mandy, at the front theres 6 of those cella-tape stands for wrapping on the platform so im assuming about 12 in the front maybe 4-6 in the back? Something like that, quite a few they need minibuses to shuttle them on the field
  5. Yeah go on guys, get loads of pictures. And a nice report would be nice, and maybe someone could add say conversion of the show and a few bargains etc
  6. Im really not sure mate But i know they do when planting them [ Don't tell my uncle he's a health and safety officer .. HIIISSSS
  7. You could have a mini disco in the back :D And im not sure Sean, infact im not sure there is a driver until the end of the row then he jumps in to turn around. I know they do that when planting the lettuce. It's on 'cruise control' almost. Unless there is a driver and if he looks out of the door to see if he can see the tracks between the rows \ Im not quite sure, i can't really see because of the conveyors \
  8. I love it, i love it, i love it! Stunning mate, got a soft spot for that look Massey
  9. Some aweesome pictures there Sashca! Everythings on row crops! I love it Specially loving the JD pics, definetly that sprayer combination.. YUM! Thanks for posting, keep them coming
  10. Thanks Masseyboy Thanks Marky, thought you might post in this topic The lettuce is iceberg lettuce It's quite an impressive thing to watch working or to look around when its left on it's own for a few minutes.
  11. I really like that mate, looks the mutts nuts, really does. Keep up the good work, keep us posted on what you do Niice conversion
  12. And lastly a look in the back which can only be described as a mini warehouse, here it will probably be boxed. Then stacked and another tractor will cart the boxes back to the packhouse or farm warehouse. And then lastly a few random pictures i took Emergeny hit button \ Im not sure And lastly underneath the raised platform in the front was a small red wire, this being on the end. Im assuming this is like a last chance cable you would find on a chipper machine. Basically if you full under you can pull it and the whole machine would stop. I may be wrong so someone can correct me if i am
  13. Now were going to go a bit closer, i found this one by the edge of a field waiting to be moved. I took my chances and got a few sneaky pictures. Some are a bit absract Firstly were going in the front As we can see the lettuce is picked and then passed onto the raised platform where it is then wrapped. The wrapped lettuce is then sent down a conveyer into the back
  14. Well i got a few pictures a while ago during the lettuce harvest of the veg packers, not really a technical machine as most of it is just a canopy to shield the workers. But nevertheless a striking machine. Here are a few from the front, as we can see it drives over the rows of lettuce and the workers underneath pick them. And here are a few of the whole of the 'rig'. They were running two, one on a Case MX100C and the other on a John Deere 6400
  15. She looks a beast, any ideas of price? ?40 like the Deutz Ltd editions?
  16. Been a bit wet and misty down here today, been alright around mid day but has been a bit chilly and bucketed down at others
  17. Yeahh i think i'll just buy two new spare pairs, will be alot easier. Hopefully someone can already take them off for me because im incapable
  18. Nope I busted one of my front axles, they just would not move and eventually the whole things nackered which im not happy about, got the back wheels on And a front linkage on one of them Sean ;) Im going to need two new front axles
  19. That 3080 is gorgeous aswell as the telehandler, the picture under the 3080 the front linkage looks really strange, does it have no top link \
  20. For me: I just really love the look of it, one of the few Britains implements i have but i just generally think its a cracking model But love the look of the tattie harvester
  21. G&M were selling one at Spalding, i was very tempted to get one as i want both of the models i can't remember the price exactly but i know it was less than that by quite a bit.
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