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Posts posted by Kiwi6920

  1. some crokers guys, now fpr the story behind this

    The orange thing on the back is a tile drain cleaner, its basicly a water blaster that goes up the pipe cleaning out the gunk so they drain freely

    He left it parked up set up in the drain when it was raining, the drain he was cleaning flows in to a big one that has around 100-150km of catchment so it comes up fast and back flows the feeder drains, the owner paked it at the lowest point in the whole of the 30 acres that floods ::)

    at 7 am the water was lapping thw front wheels, i rescused it at 8-830 am, the water was laping the gearbox then....

  2. i agree on the loader front mike, that would make a nice set, especially if they could make it removable, even if its the whole frame ect ,would give it  a great added bonus then ,they are halfway there already with the front end mountings, sure a loader could be made to fit onto that easlily enough

    Very Very easy sean

    im re painting and re decaling a 5640 to a blue top 6640 with custim loader ;)

    pics when its finshed

  3. Wow i need to come drive in the uk, The cops over here are Hounding tractors, alot of contractors are getting fedd up, im getting pulled over once a week, i drove one of our tractors 250km last week, just a tractor, no implaments, pulled over 3 times, but was never done for any thing!!!

    our tractors have to have a warrent and trailer saftey chains and weight certafied draw bars for starters

  4. they are a pretty nice machine, couple kicking around my aera, the only need 100hp to drive but 160plus to lift them, they do a realy good job, guy down the road dirtect drilled his maize then this went over it and one passed it into grass, paddock loots realy nice

  5. its down to traction the same tractor ballasted properly, plough set right will pull another furrow.

    Vari-width ploughs are ok but can be used badly, alot of people open them out just because the tractor can pull it, not caring about the finnish!!!

    Rickys name springs to mind there

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